Wookey Lee
Cited by
Cited by
Biosignal sensors and deep learning-based speech recognition: A review
W Lee, JJ Seong, B Ozlu, BS Shim, A Marakhimov, S Lee
Sensors 21 (4), 1399, 2021
PatentNet: multi-label classification of patent documents using deep learning based language understanding
A Haghighian Roudsari, J Afshar, W Lee, S Lee
Scientometrics 127 (1), 207-231, 2022
Mobile web navigation in digital ecosystems using rooted directed trees
W Lee, CKS Leung, JJH Lee
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 58 (6), 2154-2162, 2010
Effective privacy preserving data publishing by vectorization
CSH Eom, CC Lee, W Lee, CK Leung
Information Sciences 527, 311-328, 2020
Generative adversarial networks and their application to 3D face generation: A survey
M Toshpulatov, W Lee, S Lee
Image and vision computing 108, 104119, 2021
Human pose, hand and mesh estimation using deep learning: a survey
M Toshpulatov, W Lee, S Lee, A Haghighian Roudsari
The Journal of Supercomputing 78 (6), 7616-7654, 2022
Optimized combinatorial clustering for stochastic processes
J Kim, W Lee, JJ Song, SB Lee
Cluster Computing 20, 1135-1148, 2017
Multi-label patent classification using attention-aware deep learning model
AH Roudsari, J Afshar, CC Lee, W Lee
2020 IEEE international conference on big data and smart computing (BigComp …, 2020
Scalable vertical mining for big data analytics of frequent itemsets
CK Leung, H Zhang, J Souza, W Lee
Database and Expert Systems Applications: 29th International Conference …, 2018
Semantic hierarchical abstraction of web site structures for web searchers
L Wookey, J Geller
Journal of Research and Practice in Information Technology 36 (1), 23-34, 2004
High-recall information retrieval from linked big data
A Cuzzocrea, W Lee, CK Leung
2015 IEEE 39th Annual Computer Software and Applications Conference 2, 712-717, 2015
Talking human face generation: A survey
M Toshpulatov, W Lee, S Lee
Expert Systems with Applications 219, 119678, 2023
Interpol review of toxicology 2016–2019
WS Chan, GF Wong, CW Hung, YN Wong, KM Fung, WK Lee, KL Dao, ...
Forensic science international: synergy 2, 563-607, 2020
A network-flow based influence propagation model for social networks
W Lee, CKS Leung, JJ Song, CSH Eom
2012 Second International Conference on Cloud and Green Computing, 601-608, 2012
Patent prior art search using deep learning language model
DM Kang, CC Lee, S Lee, W Lee
Proceedings of the 24th Symposium on International Database Engineering …, 2020
Constrained big data mining in an edge computing environment
CK Leung, D Deng, CSH Hoi, W Lee
Big Data Applications and Services 2017: The 4th International Conference on …, 2019
Categorical data skyline using classification tree
W Lee, JJS Song, CKS Leung
Web Technologies and Applications: 13th Asia-Pacific Web Conference, APWeb …, 2011
Big Data Analyses, Services, and Smart Data
W Lee
Springer, 2021
Efficient distributed parallel top-down computation of ROLAP data cube using mapreduce
S Lee, J Kim, YS Moon, W Lee
Data Warehousing and Knowledge Discovery: 14th International Conference …, 2012
Comparison and analysis of embedding methods for patent documents
AH Roudsari, J Afshar, S Lee, W Lee
2021 IEEE international conference on big data and smart computing (BigComp …, 2021
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Articles 1–20