Kasper M. Hansen
Kasper M. Hansen
Department of Political Science, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
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How deliberation makes better citizens: The Danish Deliberative Poll on the euro
VN Andersen, KM Hansen
European journal of political research 46 (4), 531-556, 2007
The relationship between age and turnout: A roller-coaster ride
Y Bhatti, KM Hansen, H Wass
Electoral Studies 31 (3), 588-593, 2012
Economic and cultural drivers of immigrant support worldwide
NA Valentino, SN Soroka, S Iyengar, T Aalberg, R Duch, M Fraile, ...
British Journal of Political Science 49 (4), 1201-1226, 2019
Leaving the nest and the social act of voting: Turnout among first-time voters
Y Bhatti, KM Hansen
Journal of Elections, Public Opinion & Parties 22 (4), 380-406, 2012
Negative Campaigning in a Multiparty System
KM Hansen, RT Pedersen
Scandinavian Political Studies 31 (4), 408-427, 2008
The relationship between politicians and administrators–a logic of disharmony
KM Hansen, N Ejersbo
Public Administration 80 (4), 733-750, 2002
The Nordic voter: Myths of exceptionalism
Å Bengtsson, K Hansen, ÓÞ Harõarson, HM Narud, H Oscarsson
Ecpr Press, 2013
The effects of incentives, interview length, and interviewer characteristics on response rates in a CATI-study
KM Hansen
International Journal of Public Opinion Research 19 (1), 112-121, 2007
The effect of generation and age on turnout to the European Parliament–How turnout will continue to decline in the future
Y Bhatti, KM Hansen
Electoral Studies 31 (2), 262-272, 2012
Campaigns matter: How voters become knowledgeable and efficacious during election campaigns
KM Hansen, RT Pedersen
Political Communication 31 (2), 303-324, 2014
The sophisticated public: The effect of competing frames on public opinion
KM Hansen
Scandinavian Political Studies 30 (3), 377-396, 2007
Deliberative democracy and opinion formation
KM Hansen
University Press of Southern Denmark, 2004
Political hypocrisy: The effect of political scandals on candidate evaluations
Y Bhatti, KM Hansen, A Leth Olsen
Acta Politica 48, 408-428, 2013
Metoder i statskundskab
Rosinante&Co., 2010
Deliberative democracy and the deliberative poll on the Euro
KM Hansen, VN Andersen
Scandinavian political studies 27 (3), 261-286, 2004
The Danes and Europe: From EC 1972 to euro 2000–Elections, referendums and attitudes
R Buch, KM Hansen
Scandinavian Political Studies 25 (1), 1-26, 2002
Cyber-campaigning in Denmark: Application and effects of candidate campaigning
KM Hansen, K Kosiara-Pedersen
Journal of Information Technology & Politics 11 (2), 206-219, 2014
Cross-national yardstick comparisons: A choice experiment on a forgotten voter heuristic
KM Hansen, AL Olsen, M Bech
Political Behavior 37, 767-789, 2015
Who ‘marries’ whom? The influence of societal connectedness, economic and political homogeneity, and population size on jurisdictional consolidations
Y Bhatti, KM Hansen
European Journal of Political Research 50 (2), 212-238, 2011
Bias in self-reported voting and how it distorts turnout models: Disentangling nonresponse bias and overreporting among Danish voters
JO Dahlgaard, JH Hansen, KM Hansen, Y Bhatti
Political Analysis 27 (4), 590-598, 2019
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Articles 1–20