Rob Heyman
Cited by
Cited by
Social media and cookies: challenges for online privacy
J Pierson, R Heyman
info 13 (6), 30-42, 2011
Social media, delinguistification and colonization of lifeworld: Changing faces of Facebook
R Heyman, J Pierson
Social Media+ Society 1 (2), 2056305115621933, 2015
From social media service to advertising network: a critical analysis of Facebook’s Revised Policies and Terms
B Van Alsenoy, V Verdoodt, R Heyman, J Ausloos, E Wauters, G Acar, ...
Evaluating social media privacy settings for personal and advertising purposes
R Heyman, R De Wolf, J Pierson
info 16 (4), 18-32, 2014
Digital by default: Consequences, casualties and coping strategies
I Mariën, R Heyman, K Salemink, L Van Audenhove
Social inequalities, media and communication: Theory and roots, 167-188, 2016
Social inequalities, media, and communication: Theory and roots
L Van Audenhove, DM Clarke, B Durdag, NM Gordon-Bell, R Heyman, ...
Lexington Books, 2016
Blending mass self-communication with advertising in Facebook and LinkedIn: Challenges for social media and user empowerment
R Heyman, J Pierson
International Journal of Media & Cultural Politics 9 (3), 229-245, 2013
Privacy by design through a social requirements analysis of social network sites form a user perspective
R De Wolf, R Heyman, J Pierson
European data protection: Coming of age, 241-265, 2012
Increasing transparency and privacy for online social network users–USEMP value model, scoring framework and legal
A Popescu, M Hildebrandt, J Breuer, L Claeys, S Papadopoulos, G Petkos, ...
Privacy Technologies and Policy: Third Annual Privacy Forum, APF 2015 …, 2016
Designing-by-debate: a blueprint for responsible data-driven research & innovation
F Ferri, N Dwyer, S Raicevich, P Grifoni, H Altiok, HT Andersen, Y Laouris, ...
Responsible research and innovation actions in science education, gender and …, 2018
Perceived versus actual predictability of personal information in social networks
E Spyromitros-Xioufis, G Petkos, S Papadopoulos, R Heyman, ...
Internet Science: Third International Conference, INSCI 2016, Florence …, 2016
Privacy and social media
RD Wolf, R Heyman
The international encyclopedia of digital communication and society, 1-6, 2015
Facebook ziet alles: Sociale netwerken ontrafeld
R Heyman, A Daems, D Baelden, J Pierson
Davidsfonds Uitgeverij, 2013
Not all privacy settings are created equal: evaluating social media privacy settings for personal and advertising purposes
R Heyman, R De Wolf, J Pierson
Political Economy section for IAMCR Conference ‘South-North Conversations …, 2012
Smart city privacy: Enhancing collaborative transparency in the regulatory ecosystem
A Christofi, R Heyman, L Vandercruysse, V Verdoodt, C Buts, M Dooms, ...
2019 CTTE-FITCE: Smart Cities & Information and Communication Technology …, 2019
Sharing is caring, a boundary object approach to mapping and discussing personal data processing
R Heyman
Privacy and Identity Management. Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency …, 2019
Rights and obligations of actors in social networking sites
B Van Alsenoy
Facebook & Users: Who is Using Who? A material semiotic approach to the irreversibilisation of Facebook as a case of lifeworld colonisation by social media.
R Heyman
Dataveillance and privacy in social computing: conceptual exploration and analysis of corporate profiling techniques
J Pierson, R Heyman
EuroCPR 2011-Online content: policy and regulation for a global market, 27 …, 2011
Data protection as privilege—Factors to increase meaning of GDPR in vulnerable groups
J Breuer, R Heyman, R Brakel
Frontiers in Sustainable Cities 4, 977623, 2022
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Articles 1–20