Christoph Kenel
Christoph Kenel
ABB Corporate Research Center Switzerland
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Cited by
Acoustic emission for in situ quality monitoring in additive manufacturing using spectral convolutional neural networks
SA Shevchik, C Kenel, C Leinenbach, K Wasmer
Additive Manufacturing 21, 598-604, 2018
Microstructure and mechanical properties of Al-Mg-Zr alloys processed by selective laser melting
JR Croteau, S Griffiths, MD Rossell, C Leinenbach, C Kenel, V Jansen, ...
Acta Materialia 153, 35-44, 2018
3D laser shock peening–a new method for the 3D control of residual stresses in selective laser melting
N Kalentics, E Boillat, P Peyre, C Gorny, C Kenel, C Leinenbach, ...
Materials & Design 130, 350-356, 2017
Deep Learning for In Situ and Real-Time Quality Monitoring in Additive Manufacturing Using Acoustic Emission
SA Shevchik, G Masinelli, C Kenel, C Leinenbach, K Wasmer
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 15 (9), 5194-5203, 2019
3D ink-extrusion additive manufacturing of CoCrFeNi high-entropy alloy micro-lattices
C Kenel, NPM Casati, DC Dunand
Nature communications 10 (1), 904, 2019
In situ investigation of phase transformations in Ti-6Al-4V under additive manufacturing conditions combining laser melting and high-speed micro-X-ray diffraction
C Kenel, D Grolimund, X Li, E Panepucci, VA Samson, DF Sanchez, ...
Scientific reports 7 (1), 16358, 2017
Selective laser melting of an oxide dispersion strengthened (ODS) γ-TiAl alloy towards production of complex structures
C Kenel, G Dasargyri, T Bauer, A Colella, AB Spierings, C Leinenbach, ...
Materials & Design 134, 81-90, 2017
Influence of cooling rate on microstructure formation during rapid solidification of binary TiAl alloys
C Kenel, C Leinenbach
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 637, 242-247, 2015
Magnetophononics: Ultrafast spin control through the lattice
M Fechner, A Sukhov, L Chotorlishvili, C Kenel, J Berakdar, NA Spaldin
Physical review materials 2 (6), 064401, 2018
Synthesis of precipitation-strengthened Al-Sc, Al-Zr and Al-Sc-Zr alloys via selective laser melting of elemental powder blends
JA Glerum, C Kenel, T Sun, DC Dunand
Additive Manufacturing 36, 101461, 2020
3D extruded composite thermoelectric threads for flexible energy harvesting
J Peng, I Witting, N Geisendorfer, M Wang, M Chang, A Jakus, C Kenel, ...
Nature communications 10 (1), 5590, 2019
Influence of Nb and Mo on microstructure formation of rapidly solidified ternary Ti–Al-(Nb, Mo) alloys
C Kenel, C Leinenbach
Intermetallics 69, 82-89, 2016
Processing of metal-diamond-composites using selective laser melting
AB Spierings, C Leinenbach, C Kenel, K Wegener
Rapid Prototyping Journal 21 (2), 130-136, 2015
In Situ and Real-Time Monitoring of Powder-Bed AM by Combining Acoustic Emission and Artificial Intelligence
K Wasmer, C Kenel, C Leinenbach, SA Shevchik
Industrializing Additive Manufacturing-Proceedings of Additive Manufacturing …, 2018
Combined in situ synchrotron micro X-ray diffraction and high-speed imaging on rapidly heated and solidified Ti–48Al under additive manufacturing conditions
C Kenel, D Grolimund, JL Fife, VA Samson, S Van Petegem, ...
Scripta Materialia 114, 117-120, 2016
Microstructure and oxide particle stability in a novel ODS γ-TiAl alloy processed by spark plasma sintering and laser additive manufacturing
C Kenel, K Dawson, J Barras, C Hauser, G Dasargyri, T Bauer, A Colella, ...
Intermetallics 90, 63-73, 2017
Microstructure and defects in a Ni-Cr-Al-Ti γ/γ’model superalloy processed by laser powder bed fusion
A De Luca, C Kenel, S Griffiths, SS Joglekar, C Leinenbach, DC Dunand
Materials & Design 201, 109531, 2021
Evolution of Y2O3 dispersoids during laser powder bed fusion of oxide dispersion strengthened Ni-Cr-Al-Ti γ/γ’superalloy
C Kenel, A De Luca, SS Joglekar, C Leinenbach, DC Dunand
Additive Manufacturing 47, 102224, 2021
Mechanical performance and oxidation resistance of an ODS γ-TiAl alloy processed by spark plasma sintering and laser additive manufacturing
C Kenel, A Lis, K Dawson, M Stiefel, C Pecnik, J Barras, A Colella, ...
Intermetallics 91, 169-180, 2017
Integrating fiber fabry-perot cavity sensor into 3-D printed metal components for extreme high-temperature monitoring applications
J Mathew, C Hauser, P Stoll, C Kenel, D Polyzos, D Havermann, ...
IEEE Sensors Journal 17 (13), 4107-4114, 2017
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Articles 1–20