Jacek Chmielewski
Cited by
Cited by
ARCO - an architecture for digitization, management and presentation of virtual exhibitions
M White, N Mourkoussis, J Darcy, P Petridis, F Liarokapis, P Lister, ...
Computer Graphics International, 2004. Proceedings, 622-625, 2004
Metadata requirements for digital museum environments
M Patel, M White, N Mourkoussis, K Walczak, R Wojciechowski, ...
International journal on digital libraries 5 (3), 179-192, 2005
AMS--Metadata for Cultural Exhibitions using Virtual Reality
N Mourkoussis, M White, M Patel, J Chmielewski, K Walczak
International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications, 193-202, 2003
Device-Independent Architecture for ubiquitous applications
J Chmielewski
Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 1-8, 2013
Application architectures for smart multi-device applications
J Chmielewski, K Walczak
Proceedings of the Workshop on Multi-device App Middleware, 5, 2012
Describing Interactivity of 3D Content
J Chmielewski
Interactive 3D Multimedia Content, 195-221, 2012
Technical feasibility of context-aware passive payment authorization for physical points of sale
A Wójtowicz, J Chmielewski
Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 21 (6), 1113-1125, 2017
Adaptable Mobile User Interfaces for e-Learning Repositories
K Walczak, J Chmielewski, W Wiza, D Rumiński, G Skibiński
IADIS International Conference on Mobile Learning, Avila (Spain), Marc 10-12 …, 2011
Mobile Interfaces for Building Control Surveyors
J Chmielewski, K Walczak, W Wiza
Software Services for e-World, IFIP Advances in Information and …, 2010
Extensible metadata framework for describing virtual reality and multimedia contents
K Walczak, J Chmielewski, M Stawniak, S Strykowski
Proceedings of the 7th IASTED International Conference on Databases and …, 2006
Towards an architecture for future internet applications
J Chmielewski
The Future Internet Assembly, 214-219, 2013
Metadata model for interactions of 3D objects
J Chmielewski
The 1st International IEEE Conference on Information Technology, 313-316, 2008
Interaction interfaces for unrestricted multimedia interaction descriptions
J Chmielewski
Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Advances in Mobile …, 2008
Declarative GUI descriptions for device-independent applications
J Chmielewski, J Flotyński, D Rumiński, A Wójtowicz
Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 2016
Finding interactive 3D objects by their interaction properties
J Chmielewski
Multimedia Tools and Applications, 1-26, 2012
Adaptable User Interfaces for SOA Applications in the Construction Sector
J Chmielewski, K Walczak, W Wiza, A Wójtowicz
SOA Infrastructure Tools - Concepts and Methods, 493-469, 2010
Interaction descriptor for 3D objects
J Chmielewski
The IEEE International Conference on Human System Interaction HSI 08, 18-23, 2008
Face-based Passive Customer Identification Combined with Multimodal Context-aware Payment Authorization: Evaluation at Point of Sale.
A Wójtowicz, J Chmielewski
ICEIS (1), 555-566, 2018
An architecture for parameterised production of interactive TV contents
K Walczak, W Cellary, J Chmielewski, M Stawniak, S Strykowski, W Wiza, ...
International workshopon systems, signals and image processing, ambient …, 2004
Adaptable User Interfaces for Web 2.0 Educational Resources
K Walczak, W Wiza, D Rumiński, J Chmielewski, A Wójtowicz
IT Tools in Management and Education-Selected Problems, 104-124, 2011
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Articles 1–20