Jenny Rose Finkel
Jenny Rose Finkel
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Cited by
The Stanford CoreNLP natural language processing toolkit
CD Manning, M Surdeanu, J Bauer, JR Finkel, S Bethard, D McClosky
Proceedings of 52nd annual meeting of the association for computational …, 2014
Incorporating non-local information into information extraction systems by gibbs sampling
JR Finkel, T Grenager, CD Manning
Proceedings of the 43rd annual meeting of the association for computational …, 2005
Nested named entity recognition
JR Finkel, CD Manning
Proceedings of the 2009 conference on empirical methods in natural language …, 2009
Joint parsing and named entity recognition
JR Finkel, CD Manning
Proceedings of Human Language Technologies: The 2009 Annual Conference of …, 2009
Efficient, feature-based, conditional random field parsing
JR Finkel, A Kleeman, CD Manning
Proceedings of ACL-08: HLT, 959-967, 2008
Hierarchical bayesian domain adaptation
JR Finkel, CD Manning
Proceedings of human language technologies: The 2009 annual conference of …, 2009
Exploiting context for biomedical entity recognition: From syntax to the web
JR Finkel, S Dingare, H Nguyen, M Nissim, CD Manning, G Sinclair
Proceedings of the international joint workshop on natural language …, 2004
Solving the problem of cascading errors: Approximate bayesian inference for linguistic annotation pipelines
JR Finkel, CD Manning, AY Ng
Proceedings of the 2006 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language …, 2006
Exploring the boundaries: gene and protein identification in biomedical text
J Finkel, S Dingare, CD Manning, M Nissim, B Alex, C Grover
BMC bioinformatics 6, 1-9, 2005
Enforcing transitivity in coreference resolution
JR Finkel, CD Manning
Proceedings of ACL-08: HLT, Short Papers, 45-48, 2008
A system for identifying named entities in biomedical text: how results from two evaluations reflect on both the system and the evaluations
S Dingare, M Nissim, J Finkel, C Manning, C Grover
Comparative and functional genomics 6 (1‐2), 77-85, 2005
The infinite tree
JR Finkel, T Grenager, CD Manning
Proceedings of the 45th Annual Meeting of the Association of Computational …, 2007
Hierarchical joint learning: Improving joint parsing and named entity recognition with non-jointly labeled data
JR Finkel, CD Manning
Proceedings of the 48th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational …, 2010
Robust textual inference using diverse knowledge sources
R Raina, A Haghighi, C Cox, J Finkel, J Michels, K Toutanova, ...
Proc. of the 1st. PASCAL Recognision Textual Entailment Challenge Workshop …, 2005
Template sampling for leveraging domain knowledge in information extraction
C Cox, J Nicolson, JR Finkel, C Manning, P Langley
First PASCAL Challenges Workshop, 2005
Using genetic programming to evolve an algorithm for factoring numbers
JR Finkel
Genetic Algorithms and Genetic Programming at Stanford, 52-60, 2003
Holistic language processing: Joint models of linguistic structure
JR Finkel
Stanford University, 2010
Joshua Finkel Festschrift: in honor of Joshua Finkel
SB Hoenig, J Finkel
Yeshiva Univ. Press, 1974
NIST open machine translation 2008 evaluation: Stanford university’s system description
M Galley, P Chang, D Cer, JR Finkel, CD Manning
Unpublished working notes of the 2008 NIST Open Machine Translation …, 2008
Stanford University’s Chinese-to-English statistical machine translation system for the 2008 NIST evaluation
M Galley, PC Chang, D Cer, JR Finkel, CD Manning
Proceedings of the 2008 NIST Open Machine Translation Evaluation Workshop …, 2008
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Articles 1–20