Maria Vatshaug Ottermo
Maria Vatshaug Ottermo
Senior Research Scientist, SINTEF
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Cited by
The role of tactile feedback in laparoscopic surgery
MV Ottermo, M Øvstedal, T Langø, Ø Stavdahl, Y Yavuz, TA Johansen, ...
Surgical Laparoscopy Endoscopy & Percutaneous Techniques 16 (6), 390-400, 2006
Palpation instrument for augmented minimally invasive surgery
MV Ottermo, O Stavdahl, TA Johansen
2004 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2004
Electromechanical design of a miniature tactile shape display for minimally invasive surgery
MV Ottermo, O Stavdahl, TA Johansen
First Joint Eurohaptics Conference and Symposium on Haptic Interfaces for …, 2005
A remote palpation instrument for laparoscopic surgery: design and performance
MV Ottermo, Ø Stavdahl, TA Johansen
Minimally Invasive Therapy & Allied Technologies 18 (5), 259-272, 2009
Virtual palpation gripper
MV Ottermo
Fakultet for informasjonsteknologi, matematikk og elektroteknikk, 2006
Design and performance of a prototype tactile shape display for minimally invasive surgery
MV Ottermo, O Stavdahl, TA Johansen
Haptics-e, The electronic journal of haptics research, 2008
Technical language processing for efficient classification of failure events for safety critical equipment
MV Ottermo, S Håbrekke, S Hauge, L Bodsberg
PHM Society European Conference 6 (1), 9-9, 2021
Security and independence of process safety and control systems in the petroleum industry
T Onshus, L Bodsberg, S Hauge, MG Jaatun, MA Lundteigen, T Myklebust, ...
Journal of Cybersecurity and Privacy 2 (1), 20-41, 2022
Ergonomic design criteria for a novel laparoscopic tool handle with tactile feedback.
R Mårvik, R Nesbakken, T Langø, Y Yavuz, MV Ottermo, O Stavdahl
Minerva chirurgica 61 (5), 435-444, 2006
Data safety, sources, and data flow in the offshore industry
T Myklebust, TE Onshus, S Lindskog, MV Ottermo, L Bodsberg
Proceedings of the 31st European Safety and Reliability Conference, 2021
Principles of digitalisation and IT-OT integration
GK Hanssen, T Onshus, MG Jaatun, T Myklebust, MV Ottermo, ...
SINTEF AS (ISBN starter med 978-82-14-), 2023
Multimodal input device with sEMG and contact force sensors
Ø Stavdahl, PJ Kyberd, T Magne, MV Ottermo, T Mugaas
Proceedings of the Myoelectric Controls Symposium (MEC), 2011
Towards standardized reporting and failure classification of safety equipment: Semi-automated classification of failure data for safety equipment in the operating phase
S Lee, MV Ottermo, S Hauge, MA Lundteigen
Process Safety and Environmental Protection 177, 1485-1493, 2023
Mechanisms of sporadic control failure related to the skin-electrode interface in myoelectric hand prostheses
Ø Stavdahl, T Mugaas, MV Ottermo, T Magne, P Kyberd
JPO: Journal of Prosthetics and Orthotics 32 (1), 38-51, 2020
Datakvalitet ved digitalisering i petroleumssektoren
T Myklebust, T Onshus, S Lindskog, MV Ottermo, MA Lundteigen
SINTEF akademisk forlag, 2021
Rapportering av hendelser i automatiserte systemer i boreoperasjoner
MV Ottermo, E Wille, KS Bjørkevoll, L Bodsberg, TE Evjemo, K Fjørtoft, ...
Petroleumstilsynet, 2021
Potential for automated follow-up of safety equipment
S Lee, MV Ottermo, S Hauge, S Håbrekke, MA Lundteigen
SINTEF akademisk forlag, 2023
Bruk av modeller i boring
MV Ottermo, T Onshus, KS Bjørkevoll
SINTEF rapport 56, 2021, 2021
Premisser for digitalisering og integrasjon IT-OT
GK Hanssen, T Onshus, MG Jaatun, T Myklebust, MV Ottermo, ...
SINTEF akademisk forlag, 2021
Mechanisms of sporadic control failure in myoelectric hand prostheses
Ø Stavdahl, MV Ottermo, T Mugaas, T Magne, PJ Kyberd
Disabilities and Rehabilitation, 0
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Articles 1–20