Anders Jakobsson
Anders Jakobsson
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Cited by
Sociokulturella perspektiv på lärande och utveckling: Lärande som begreppsmässig precisering och koordinering
A Jakobsson
Pedagogisk forskning i Sverige 17 (3-4), 152-170, 2012
Multilingual students’ use of translanguaging in science classrooms
A Karlsson, P Nygård Larsson, A Jakobsson
International Journal of Science Education 41 (15), 2049-2069, 2019
Collaborative learning as a collective competence when students use the potential of meaning in asynchronous dialogues
L Amhag, A Jakobsson
Computers & education 52 (3), 656-667, 2009
Conceptions of knowledge in research on students' understanding of the greenhouse effect: Methodological positions and their consequences for representations of knowing
A Jakobsson, Å Mäkitalo, R Säljö
Science Education 93 (6), 978-995, 2009
Simulated sustainable societies: Students’ reflections on creating future cities in computer games
EM Nilsson, A Jakobsson
Journal of Science Education and Technology 20, 33-50, 2011
Studies of the wetting characteristics of liquid iron on dense alumina by the X-ray sessile drop technique
E Kapilashrami, A Jakobsson, S Seetharaman, AK Lahiri
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B 34 (2), 193-199, 2003
The continuity of learning in a translanguaging science classroom
A Karlsson, P Nygård Larsson, A Jakobsson
Cultural Studies of Science Education 15 (1), 1-25, 2020
Using sociocultural frameworks to understand the significance of interactions at science and technology centers and museums
A Jakobsson, E Davidsson
Understanding interactions at science centers and museums, 3-21, 2012
Learning to reason in the context of socioscientific problems: Exploring the demands on students in ‘new’classroom activities
Å Mäkitalo, A Jakobsson, R Säljö
Investigating classroom interaction, 7-26, 2009
Students’ ideas regarding science and pseudo-science in relation to the human body and health
M Lundström, A Jakobsson
Nordic Studies in Science Education 5 (1), 3-17, 2009
Understanding interactions at science centers and museums
E Davidsson, A Jakobsson
Springer Science & Business Media, 2012
Interfacial tension effects on slag—metal reactions
A Jakobsson, M Nasu, J Mangwiru, KC Mills, S Seetharaman
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series A …, 1998
Flerspråkighet som en resurs i NO-klassrummet
A Karlsson, PN Larsson, A Jakobsson
Pedagogisk forskning i Sverige 21 (1-2), 30-55, 2016
Att förädla information till kunskap: lärande och klassrumsarbete i mediesamhället
R Säljö, A Jakobsson, P Lilja, Å Mäkitalo, M Åberg
Norstedts Förlag, 2011
Meaning-making in science from the perspective of students’ hybrid language use
P Nygård Larsson, A Jakobsson
International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education 18 (5), 811-830, 2020
Interfacial phenomena in some slag-metal reactions
A Jakobsson, D Sichen, S Seetharaman, NN Viswanathan
Metallurgical and materials transactions B 31, 973-980, 2000
Students’ self-confidence and learning through dialogues in a net-based environment
A Jakobsson
Journal of Technology and Teacher Education 14 (2), 387-405, 2006
“Why bother so incredibly much?”: Student perspectives on PISA science assignments
M Serder, A Jakobsson
Cultural Studies of Science Education 10, 833-853, 2015
Semantiska vågor–elevers diskursiva rörlighet i gruppsamtal
PN Larsson, A Jakobsson
Nordic Studies in Science Education 13 (1), 17-35, 2017
Elevers interaktiva lärande vid problemlösning i grupp. En processtudie
A Jakobsson
Malmö Högskola, Lärarutbildningen, Institutionen för pedagogik, 2001
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Articles 1–20