Vissarion (Beso) Mikhelashvili
Vissarion (Beso) Mikhelashvili
Electrical Engineering Department, Technion, Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel
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InP based lasers and optical amplifiers with wire-/dot-like active regions
JP Reithmaier, A Somers, S Deubert, R Schwertberger, W Kaiser, ...
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 38 (13), 2088, 2005
Effects of annealing conditions on optical and electrical characteristics of titanium dioxide films deposited by electron beam evaporation
V Mikhelashvili, G Eisenstein
Journal of Applied Physics 89 (6), 3256-3269, 2001
On the nature of quantum dash structures
H Dery, E Benisty, A Epstein, R Alizon, V Mikhelashvili, G Eisenstein, ...
Journal of applied physics 95 (11), 6103-6111, 2004
Structural and electrical properties of electron beam gun evaporated Er2O3 insulator thin films
V Mikhelashvili, G Eisenstein, F Edelman, R Brener, N Zakharov, ...
Journal of applied physics 95 (2), 613-620, 2004
Characteristics of electron-beam-gun-evaporated Er2O3 thin films as gate dielectrics for silicon
V Mikhelashvili, G Eisenstein, F Edelmann
Journal of Applied Physics 90 (10), 5447-5449, 2001
Broad-band wavelength conversion based on cross-gain modulation and four-wave mixing in InAs-InP quantum-dash semiconductor optical amplifiers operating at 1550 nm
A Bilenca, R Alizon, V Mikhelashhvili, D Dahan, G Eisenstein, ...
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 15 (4), 563-565, 2003
On the extraction of linear and nonlinear physical parameters in nonideal diodes
V Mikhelashvili, G Eisenstein, V Garber, S Fainleib, G Bahir, D Ritter, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 85 (9), 6873-6883, 1999
Electrical characteristics of metal-dielectric-metal and metal-dielectricsemiconductor structures based on electron beam evaporated Y2O3 , Ta2O5 and Al2O3 thin film
V Mikhaelashvili, Y Betzer, I Prudnikov, M Orenstein, D Ritter, ...
Journal of applied physics 84 (12), 6747-6752, 1998
Direct correlation between a highly damped modulation response and ultra low relative intensity noise in an InAs/GaAs quantum dot laser
A Capua, L Rozenfeld, V Mikhelashvili, G Eisenstein, M Kuntz, ...
Optics express 15 (9), 5388-5393, 2007
Extraction of Schottky diode parameters with a bias dependent barrier height
V Mikhelashvili, G Eisenstein, R Uzdin
Solid-State Electronics 45 (1), 143-148, 2001
Structural properties and electrical characteristics of electron-beam gun evaporated erbium oxide films
V Mikhelashvili, G Eisenstein, F Edelmann
Applied physics letters 80 (12), 2156-2158, 2002
InAs/InP 1550nm quantum dash semiconductor optical amplifiers
A Bilenca, R Alizon, V Mikhelashvili, G Eisenstein, R Schwertberger, ...
Electronics Letters 38 (22), 1, 2002
Structural evolution of SnO2-TiO2 nanocrystalline films for gas sensors
F Edelman, H Hahn, S Seifried, C Alof, H Hoche, A Balogh, P Werner, ...
Materials Science and Engineering: B 69, 386-391, 2000
Characteristics of metal-insulator-semiconductor capacitors based on high-k HfAlO dielectric films obtained by low-temperature electron-beam gun evaporation
V Mikhelashvili, R Brener, O Kreinin, B Meyler, J Shneider, G Eisenstein
Applied physics letters 85 (24), 5950-5952, 2004
Comparison of dynamic properties of ground-and excited-state emission in p-doped InAs/GaAs quantum-dot lasers
D Arsenijević, A Schliwa, H Schmeckebier, M Stubenrauch, ...
Applied Physics Letters 104 (18), 2014
Multiple wavelength amplification in wide band high power 1550 nm quantum dash optical amplifier
R Alizon, D Hadass, V Mikhelashvili, G Eisenstein, R Schwertberger, ...
Electronics Letters 40 (12), 1, 2004
Gain and noise saturation of wide-band InAs-InP quantum dash optical amplifiers: model and experiments
D Hadass, A Bilenca, R Alizon, H Dery, V Mikhelashvili, G Eisenstein, ...
IEEE Journal of selected topics in quantum electronics 11 (5), 1015-1026, 2005
Cross-gain modulation in inhomogeneously broadened gain spectra of InP-Based 1550 nm quantum dash optical amplifiers: Small-signal bandwidth dependence on wavelength detuning
R Alizon, A Bilenca, H Dery, V Mikhelashvili, G Eisenstein, ...
Applied physics letters 82 (26), 4660-4662, 2003
A nonvolatile memory capacitor based on Au nanocrystals with HfO2 tunneling and blocking layers
V Mikhelashvili, B Meyler, S Yoffis, J Salzman, M Garbrecht, ...
Applied Physics Letters 95 (2), 023104-023104-3, 2009
Temperature dependent loss and overflow effects in quantum well lasers
V Mikhaelashvili, N Tessler, R Nagar, G Eisenstein, AG Dentai, ...
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 6 (11), 1293-1296, 1994
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Articles 1–20