Pia Bøgelund
Pia Bøgelund
Associate professor, Aalborg University
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How supervisors perceive PhD supervision: and how they practice it'
P Bøgelund
International Journal of Doctoral Studies 10, 39-55, 2015
Making green discourses matter in policy-making: Learning from discursive power struggles within the policy area of car taxation
P Bøgelund
Ecological Economics 63 (1), 78-92, 2007
Learning and Assessing Problem‐Based Learning at Aalborg University: A Case Study
A Kolmos, P Bøgelund, CM Spliid
The Wiley Handbook of Problem‐Based Learning, 437-458, 2019
The road to become a legitimate scholar: A case study of international PhD students in science and engineering
P Bøgelund, E de Graaff
international Journal of Doctoral studies 10, 519, 2015
Emotions in engineering education: Preliminary results from a scoping review
J Lonngren, A Bellocchi, P Bogelund, I Direito, J Huff, K Mohd-Yusof, ...
REES AAEE 2021 conference: Engineering Education Research Capability …, 2021
‘I started this, and I will end this': a phenomenological investigation of blue collar men undertaking engineering education as mature students
VFC Servant-Miklos, EFA Dewar, P Bøgelund
European Journal of Engineering Education 46 (2), 287-301, 2021
Emotions in engineering education: A configurative meta‐synthesis systematic review
J Lönngren, A Bellocchi, M Berge, P Bøgelund, I Direito, JL Huff, ...
Journal of Engineering Education, 2024
Assistant professors’ expectations and understandings of PBL group supervision: Three cases of lack of prior experience in PBL
P Bøgelund, B Dahl
5th International Research Symposium on Problem-Based Learning, 137-148, 2015
Undersøgelse af frafald og fastholdelse ved medialogi og andre uddannelser ved det Teknisk-Naturvidenskabelige Fakultet 2015-2016: Arbejdsrapport Nr. 1
P Bøgelund, K Justesen, A Kolmos, SM Bylov
Aalborg Universitet, 2016
Greening the area of car taxation?: a comparative study of Environmental Policy Integration in Sweden and Denmark
P Bøgelund
Master of science as change masters
JE Holgaard, P Bøgelund, A Kolmos, ML Dahms
Engineering science, skills, and Bildung, 187-207, 2006
When students take the lead
E de Graaff, JE Holgaard, P Bøgelund, CM Spliid
(Re) Discovering University Autonomy: The Global Market Paradox of …, 2016
Bæredygtig transport: perspektiver fra forskningen
P Bøgelund, CJ Hansen, CH Sørensen, H Gudmundsson, E Tengström
Transportrådet, 2002
Retaining engineering students: A case study at Aalborg University
HW Routhe, P Bogelund
International Journal of Engineering Education 38 (4), 1116-1129, 2022
Inquiry and learning in engineering
A Kolmos, P Bøgelund, JE Holgaard
International handbook of inquiry and learning, 345-357, 2021
How to make Engineering Students master problem identification and problem formulation
A Guerra, P Bøgelund
5th International Research Symposium on PBL,: part of International Joint …, 2015
Retaining students at Aalborg University: How are we successfully retaining students? Case: Interaction Design (IxD) 2014–2019.
P Bøgelund, HW Routhe
SEFI annual conference 2019: Varietas delectat: Complexity is the new …, 2019
Student challenges when learning to become a real team in a PBL curriculum: Experiences from first year science, engineering and mathematics students
CCM Spliid, P Bøgelund, B Dahl
6th International Research Symposium on PBL: Social Progress and …, 2017
Ph. d.-vejledning i et akademisk, markedsdrevet og samfundsforandrende perspektiv
P Bøgelund, A Kolmos
Dansk Universitetspædagogisk Tidsskrift 8 (15), 99-111, 2013
Enhancing the skills of PhD supervisors facing internationalization: The issue of independence
P Bøgelund
Proceedings of Annual Conferences, 102, 2013
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