David N Lyttle
David N Lyttle
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Cited by
Robustness, flexibility, and sensitivity in a multifunctional motor control model.
D Lyttle, K Gill, Jeffrey, Shaw, P Thomas, H Chiel
Biological Cybernetics, 2016
Spatial scale and place field stability in a grid‐to‐place cell model of the dorsoventral axis of the hippocampus
D Lyttle, B Gereke, KK Lin, JM Fellous
Hippocampus 23 (8), 729-744, 2013
The significance of dynamical architecture for adaptive responses to mechanical loads during rhythmic behavior
KM Shaw, DN Lyttle, JP Gill, MJ Cullins, JM McManus, H Lu, PJ Thomas, ...
Journal of computational neuroscience 38, 25-51, 2015
A new similarity measure for spike trains: sensitivity to bursts and periods of inhibition
D Lyttle, JM Fellous
Journal of neuroscience methods 199 (2), 296-309, 2011
The consequences of rare sexual reproduction by means of selfing in an otherwise clonally reproducing species
J Masel, DN Lyttle
Theoretical population biology 80 (4), 317-322, 2011
Stochastic Resonance in Neurobiology
D Lyttle
no. May, 1-17, 2008
Coding, stability, and non-spatial inputs in a modular grid-to-place cell model
D Lyttle, K Lin, JM Fellous
BMC Neuroscience 13 (Suppl 1), P141, 2012
Neuromechanical bistability contributes to robust and flexible behavior in a model of motor pattern generation
DN Lyttle, JP Gill, KM Shaw, PJ Thomas, HJ Chiel
BMC Neuroscience 16, 1-2, 2015
The influence of multiple firing events on the formation and stability of activity patterns in continuous attractor networks
D Lyttle, A Weitzenfeld, JM Fellous, KK Lin
BMC Neuroscience 14, 1-2, 2013
Modeling inhibition-mediated neural dynamics in the rodent spatial navigation system
DN Lyttle
The University of Arizona., 2013
Analyzing spike train similarity measures: the effects of bursts and silence
D Lyttle, JM Fellous
BMC Neuroscience 11 (Suppl 1), P121, 2010
On the motion of a single bead of viscous fluid down a vertical wire
D Love, D Lyttle, R Stockbridge
On the motion of a single bead of viscous fluid moving down a vertical wire
D Love, D Lyttle, R Stockbridge
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Articles 1–13