Polyanskaya Leona
Polyanskaya Leona
Basque Centre on Cognition, Brain and Language (BCBL)
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Cited by
Acquisition of speech rhythm in a second language by learners with rhythmically different native languages
M Ordin, L Polyanskaya
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 138 (2), 533-544, 2015
Development of timing patterns in first and second languages
M Ordin, L Polyanskaya
System 42, 244-257, 2014
Relative salience of speech rhythm and speech rate on perceived foreign accent in a second language
L Polyanskaya, M Ordin, MG Busa
Language and speech 60 (3), 333-355, 2017
Perception of speech rhythm in second language: the case of rhythmically similar L1 and L2
M Ordin, L Polyanskaya
Frontiers in psychology 6, 316, 2015
Acquisition of timing patterns in second language
M Ordin, L Polyanskaya, C Ulbrich
Twelfth Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, 2011
Cross-linguistic differences in the use of durational cues for the segmentation of a novel language
M Ordin, L Polyanskaya, I Laka, M Nespor
Memory & Cognition 45, 863-876, 2017
Acquisition of speech rhythm in first language
L Polyanskaya, M Ordin
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 138 (3), EL199-EL204, 2015
Neural bases of learning and recognition of statistical regularities
M Ordin, L Polyanskaya, D Soto
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1467 (1), 60-76, 2020
Electrophysiology of statistical learning: Exploring the online learning process and offline learning product
M Ordin, L Polyanskaya, D Soto, N Molinaro
European Journal of Neuroscience 51 (9), 2008-2022, 2020
The role of metacognition in recognition of the content of statistical learning
M Ordin, L Polyanskaya
Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 28, 333-340, 2021
The effect of speech rhythm and speaking rate on assessment of pronunciation in a second language
L Polyanskaya, M Ordin
Applied psycholinguistics 40 (3), 795-819, 2019
Capturing cross-linguistic differences in macro-rhythm: The case of Italian and English
L Polyanskaya, MG Busà, M Ordin
Language and Speech 63 (2), 242-263, 2020
Metacognitive processing in language learning tasks is affected by bilingualism.
M Ordin, L Polyanskaya, D Soto
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 46 (3), 529, 2020
Speech rhythm convergence as a social coalition signal
L Polyanskaya, AG Samuel, M Ordin
Evolutionary Psychology 17 (3), 1474704919879335, 2019
Cognitive mechanisms of statistical learning and segmentation of continuous sensory input
L Polyanskaya
Memory & Cognition 50 (5), 979-996, 2022
Regularity in speech rhythm as a social coalition signal
L Polyanskaya, AG Samuel, M Ordin
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1453 (1), 153-165, 2019
An evolutionary account of intermodality differences in statistical learning
M Ordin, L Polyanskaya, AG Samuel
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1486 (1), 76-89, 2021
Typological differences influence the bilingual advantage in metacognitive processing.
L Polyanskaya, HM Manrique, A Marín, A García-Palacios, M Ordin
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 151 (11), 2706, 2022
Acquisition of English speech rhythm by monolingual children.
M Ordin, L Polyanskaya
INTERSPEECH, 3120-3124, 2015
The role of native language and the fundamental design of the auditory system in detecting rhythm changes
M Ordin, L Polyanskaya, DM Gómez, AG Samuel
Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research 62 (4), 835-852, 2019
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Articles 1–20