Thomas Clemen
Thomas Clemen
Professor of Databases and Artificial Intelligence, Hamburg University of Applied Sciences, Germany
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Cited by
Changing the resilience paradigm
I Linkov, T Bridges, F Creutzig, J Decker, C Fox-Lent, W Kröger, ...
Nature climate change 4 (6), 407-409, 2014
Calculation and simulation of wind controlled canopy interception of a beech forest in Northern Germany
G Hörmann, A Branding, T Clemen, M Herbst, A Hinrichs, F Thamm
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 79 (3), 131-148, 1996
Woody species diversity and important value indices in dense dry forests in Abdoulaye Wildlife Reserve (Togo, West Africa)
H Pereki, K Wala, T Thiel-Clemen, MPB Bessike, M Zida, M Dourma, ...
International Journal of Biodiversity and Conservation 5 (6), 358-366, 2013
Multi-agent systems and digital twins for smarter cities
T Clemen, N Ahmady-Moghaddam, UA Lenfers, F Ocker, D Osterholz, ...
Proceedings of the 2021 ACM SIGSIM conference on principles of advanced …, 2021
Modeling & simulation as a service with the massive multi-agent system MARS
C Hüning, M Adebahr, T Thiel-Clemen, J Dalski, U Lenfers, L Grundmann
Proceedings of the Agent-Directed Simulation Symposium, 1-8, 2016
The use of scale information for integrating simulation models into environmental information systems
T Clemen
Ecological modelling 108 (1-3), 107-113, 1998
Firewood collection in South Africa: Adaptive behavior in social-ecological models
UA Lenfers, J Weyl, T Clemen
Land 7 (3), 97, 2018
Improving model predictions—integration of real-time sensor data into a running simulation of an agent-based model
UA Lenfers, N Ahmady-Moghaddam, D Glake, F Ocker, D Osterholz, ...
Sustainability 13 (13), 7000, 2021
Modeling through model transformation with MARS 2.0.
D Glake, J Weyl, C Dohmen, C Hüning, T Clemen
SpringSim (ADS), 2:1-2:12, 2017
IoT-powered system for environmental conditions monitoring in poultry house: A case of Tanzania
B Lufyagila, D Machuve, T Clemen
African Journal of Science Technology Innovation and Development, 2021
MARS-A next-gen multi-agent simulation framework
C Hüning, J Wilmans, N Feyerabend, T Thiel-Clemen
Simulation in Umwelt-und Geowissenschaften, Workshop Osnabrück, 1-14, 2014
Linking scales and disciplines: an interdisciplinary cross-scale approach to supporting climate-relevant ecosystem management
C Berger, M Bieri, K Bradshaw, C Brümmer, T Clemen, T Hickler, ...
Climatic Change 156, 139-150, 2019
Agent-based traffic simulation at city scale with MARS
J Weyl, D Glake, T Clemen
Proceedings of the Agent-Directed Simulation Symposium, 1-9, 2018
Walk-emotion-based pedestrian movement simulation in evacuation scenarios
T Thiel-Clemen, G Köster, S Sarstedt
Simulation in Umwelt-und Geowissenschaften: Workshop, 103-112, 2011
Large-scale traffic simulation for smart city planning with mars
J Weyl, UA Lenfers, T Clemen, D Glake, F Panse, N Ritter
Proceedings of the 2019 Summer Simulation Conference, 1-12, 2019
Utilizing spatio-temporal data in multi-agent simulation
D Glake, N Ritter, T Clemen
2020 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC), 242-253, 2020
Review of importance of weather and environmental variables in agent-based arbovirus models
L Pascoe, T Clemen, K Bradshaw, D Nyambo
International journal of environmental research and public health 19 (23), 15578, 2022
An output and 3D visualization concept for the MSaaS system MARS.
J Dalski, C Hüning, T Clemen
SpringSim (ADS), 1:1-1:12, 2017
How Can We Provide Better Simulation-Based Policy Support?
A Tolk, T Clemen, N Gilbert, CM Macal
2022 Annual Modeling and Simulation Conference (ANNSIM), 188-198, 2022
Data management in multi-agent simulation systems
D Glake, F Panse, N Ritter, T Clemen, U Lenfers
Gesellschaft für Informatik, Bonn, 2021
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Articles 1–20