Richard Karnesky
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Cited by
Precipitation evolution in Al–0.1 Sc, Al–0.1 Zr and Al–0.1 Sc–0.1 Zr (at.%) alloys during isochronal aging
KE Knipling, RA Karnesky, CP Lee, DC Dunand, DN Seidman
Acta Materialia 58 (15), 5184-5195, 2010
Tritium barriers and tritium diffusion in fusion reactors
RA Causey, RA Karnesky, C San Marchi
Comprehensive Nuclear Materials 4, 511-549, 2012
Effects of substituting rare-earth elements for scandium in a precipitation-strengthened Al–0.08 at.% Sc alloy
RA Karnesky, ME Van Dalen, DC Dunand, DN Seidman
Scripta Materialia 55 (5), 437-440, 2006
Erbium and ytterbium solubilities and diffusivities in aluminum as determined by nanoscale characterization of precipitates
ME Van Dalen, RA Karnesky, JR Cabotaje, DC Dunand, DN Seidman
Acta Materialia 57 (14), 4081-4089, 2009
Evolution of nanoscale precipitates in Al microalloyed with Sc and Er
RA Karnesky, DC Dunand, DN Seidman
Acta Materialia 57 (14), 4022-4031, 2009
Strengthening mechanisms in aluminum containing coherent Al3Sc precipitates and incoherent Al2O3 dispersoids
RA Karnesky, L Meng, DC Dunand
Acta Materialia 55 (4), 1299-1308, 2007
Creep of Al-Sc microalloys with rare-earth element additions
RA Karnesky, DN Seidman, D Dunand
Materials Science Forum 519, 1035-1040, 2006
Atomistic calculation of dislocation core energy in aluminum
XW Zhou, RB Sills, DK Ward, RA Karnesky
Physical Review B, 2017
Best-fit ellipsoids of atom-probe tomographic data to study coalescence of γ′(L12) precipitates in Ni–Al–Cr
RA Karnesky, CK Sudbrack, DN Seidman
Scripta Materialia 57 (4), 353-356, 2007
Review of the Synergies Between Computational Modeling and Experimental Characterization of Materials Across Length Scales
R Dingreville, RA Karnesky, G Puel, JH Schmitt
Journal of Materials Science 51 (3), 1178-1203, 2015
Molecular dynamics studies of irradiation effects on hydrogen isotope diffusion through nickel crystals and grain boundaries
XW Zhou, R Dingreville, RA Karnesky
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 20 (1), 520-534, 2018
Gas-driven permeation of deuterium through tungsten and tungsten alloys
DA Buchenauer, RA Karnesky, ZZ Fang, C Ren, Y Oya, T Otsuka, ...
Fusion Engineering and Design, 2016
Hydrogen isotope trapping in Al-Cu binary alloys
P Chao, RA Karnesky
Materials Science & Engineering A 658, 422-428, 2016
Direct measurement of two-dimensional and three-dimensional interprecipitate distance distributions from atom-probe tomographic reconstructions
RA Karnesky, D Isheim, DN Seidman
Applied physics letters 91 (1), 2007
Imaging and quantification of hydrogen isotope trapping.
RA Karnesky Jr, NC Bartelt, D Huang, NE Teslich Jr, M Kumar
Sandia National Laboratories (SNL), Albuquerque, NM, and Livermore, CA …, 2012
Elastic property dependence on mobile and trapped hydrogen in Ni-201
SK Lawrence, BP Somerday, RA Karnesky
Jom 69, 45-50, 2017
Molecular dynamics studies of lattice defect effects on tritium diffusion in zirconium
R Skelton, XW Zhou, RA Karnesky
Journal of Nuclear Materials 555, 153099, 2021
Fuel pin
DW Christiansen, RA Karnesky, RD Leggett, RB Baker
US Patent App. 07/124,709, 1989
Kinetic Monte Carlo simulations of structural evolution during anneal of additively manufactured materials
XW Zhou, RA Karnesky, N Yang, JK Yee
Computational Materials Science 179, 109605, 2020
Mechanical properties and microstructure of Al–Sc with rareearth element or Al2O3 additions
RA Karnesky
Evanston, IL: Northwestern University, 2007
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Articles 1–20