Richard E Rosch
Richard E Rosch
Clinical Lecturer, King's College London
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Deep temporal models and active inference
KJ Friston, R Rosch, T Parr, C Price, H Bowman
Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 77, 388-402, 2017
Infectious causes of microcephaly: epidemiology, pathogenesis, diagnosis, and management
D Devakumar, A Bamford, MU Ferreira, J Broad, RE Rosch, N Groce, ...
The Lancet infectious diseases 18 (1), e1-e13, 2018
Lateralised visual attention is unrelated to language lateralisation, and not influenced by task difficulty–a functional transcranial Doppler study
RE Rosch, DVM Bishop, NA Badcock
Neuropsychologia 50 (5), 810-815, 2012
Calcium imaging and dynamic causal modelling reveal brain-wide changes in effective connectivity and synaptic dynamics during epileptic seizures
RE Rosch, PR Hunter, T Baldeweg, KJ Friston, MP Meyer
PLoS computational biology 14 (8), e1006375, 2018
Incorporating epilepsy genetics into clinical practice: a 360 evaluation
S Oates, S Tang, R Rosch, R Lear, EF Hughes, RE Williams, LHG Larsen, ...
NPJ genomic medicine 3 (1), 13, 2018
Why won’t it stop? The dynamics of benzodiazepine resistance in status epilepticus
RJ Burman, RE Rosch, JM Wilmshurst, A Sen, G Ramantani, CJ Akerman, ...
Nature Reviews Neurology 18 (7), 428-441, 2022
Selective prefrontal disinhibition in a roving auditory oddball paradigm under N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor blockade
RE Rosch, R Auksztulewicz, PD Leung, KJ Friston, T Baldeweg
Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging 4 (2), 140-150, 2019
Imaging epilepsy in larval zebrafish
DRW Burrows, É Samarut, J Liu, SC Baraban, MP Richardson, MP Meyer, ...
European Journal of Paediatric Neurology 24, 70-80, 2020
Network dynamics in the healthy and epileptic developing brain
R Rosch, T Baldeweg, F Moeller, G Baier
Network Neuroscience 2 (1), 41-59, 2018
NMDA-receptor antibodies alter cortical microcircuit dynamics
RE Rosch, S Wright, G Cooray, M Papadopoulou, S Goyal, M Lim, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115 (42), E9916-E9925, 2018
Analysis of rare copy number variation in absence epilepsies
L Addis, RE Rosch, A Valentin, A Makoff, R Robinson, KV Everett, ...
Neurology: Genetics 2 (2), e56, 2016
Targeted knockout of GABA-A receptor gamma 2 subunit provokes transient light-induced reflex seizures in zebrafish larvae
M Liao, U Kundap, RE Rosch, DRW Burrows, MP Meyer, ...
Disease models & mechanisms 12 (11), dmm040782, 2019
Multimodal in vivo recording using transparent graphene microelectrodes illuminates spatiotemporal seizure dynamics at the microscale
N Driscoll, RE Rosch, BB Murphy, A Ashourvan, R Vishnubhotla, ...
Communications biology 4 (1), 136, 2021
Dynamic causal modelling of seizure activity in a rat model
M Papadopoulou, G Cooray, R Rosch, R Moran, D Marinazzo, K Friston
Neuroimage 146, 518-532, 2017
Multimodal electrophysiological analyses reveal that reduced synaptic excitatory neurotransmission underlies seizures in a model of NMDAR antibody-mediated encephalitis
SK Wright, RE Rosch, MA Wilson, MA Upadhya, DR Dhangar, ...
Communications biology 4 (1), 1106, 2021
Temperature-dependent changes in neuronal dynamics in a patient with an SCN1A mutation and hyperthermia induced seizures
C Peters, RE Rosch, E Hughes, PC Ruben
Scientific reports 6 (1), 31879, 2016
Guillain‐Barré syndrome associated with CASPR2 antibodies: two paediatric cases
RE Rosch, A Bamford, Y Hacohen, E Wraige, A Vincent, L Mewasingh, ...
Journal of the Peripheral Nervous System 19 (3), 246-249, 2014
Cerebellar asymmetry in a pair of monozygotic handedness‐discordant twins
RE Rosch, L Ronan, L Cherkas, JM Gurd
Journal of anatomy 217 (1), 38-47, 2010
Functional genomics of epilepsy and associated neurodevelopmental disorders using simple animal models: from genes, molecules to brain networks
R Rosch, DRW Burrows, LB Jones, CH Peters, P Ruben, É Samarut
Frontiers in cellular neuroscience 13, 556, 2019
Dynamic causal modeling of the relationship between cognition and theta–alpha oscillations in adults with Down syndrome
S Hamburg, R Rosch, CM Startin, KJ Friston, A Strydom
Cerebral Cortex 29 (5), 2279-2290, 2019
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Articles 1–20