Andrea Bruun
Cited by
Cited by
Co-design development of a decision guide on eating and drinking for people with severe dementia during acute hospital admissions
K Anantapong, A Bruun, A Walford, C Smith, J Manthorpe, E Sampson, ...
Health Expectations, 2023
Prognostic decision-making about imminent death within multidisciplinary teams: a scoping review
A Bruun, L Oostendorp, S Bloch, N White, L Mitchinson, AR Sisk, P Stone
BMJ open 12 (4), e057194, 2022
Cancer centre supportive oncology service: health economic evaluation
E Stewart, S Tavabie, C McGovern, A Round, L Shaw, S BAss, R Herriott, ...
BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care 13 (2), 228-233, 2023
How best to capture the impact of complementary therapies in palliative care: A systematic review to identify and assess the appropriateness and validity of multi-domain tools
L Mitchinson, C Chu, A Bruun, AR Sisk, M Armstrong, C Vindrola-Padros, ...
Palliative Medicine 36 (9), 1320-1335, 2022
Understanding how prognostic decisions are made within a specialist palliative care multidisciplinary team
A Bruun
UCL (University College London), 2023
Time estimates in prognostic discussions: A conversation analytic study of hospice multidisciplinary team meetings
A Bruun, N White, L Oostendorp, P Stone, S Bloch
Palliative Medicine 38 (5), 593-601, 2024
What outcomes do studies use to measure the impact of prognostication on people with advanced cancer? Findings from a systematic review of quantitative and qualitative studies
C Spooner, B Vivat, N White, A Bruun, G Rohde, PX Kwek, P Stone
Palliative Medicine 37 (9), 1345-1364, 2023
An online randomised controlled trial of prognosticating imminent death in advanced cancer patients: Clinicians give greater weight to advice from a prognostic algorithm than …
A Bruun, N White, L Oostendorp, V Vickerstaff, AJL Harris, C Tomlinson, ...
Cancer Medicine 12 (6), 7519-7528, 2023
Øh(m) i
SS Sørensen, A Bruun, M Jørgensen, EH Miltersen, J Steensig
17. Møde om Udforskningen af Dansk Sprog, 523-534, 2019
Det indefinitte pronomen man brugt som 1. person singularis i samtaler
A Bruun
17. Møde om Udforskningen af Dansk Sprog, 149-164, 2019
What are we planning, exactly? The perspectives of people with intellectual disabilities, their carers and professionals on end-of-life care planning: A focus group study
A Bruun, A Cresswell, L Jordan, R Keagan-Bull, J Giles, SL Gibson, ...
Palliative Medicine 38 (6), 669-678, 2024
P-202 Exploring effective and preferred end-of-life care planning for people with learning disabilities from minoritised ethnic groups
A Bruun, L Jordan, J Giles, R Hughes, R Anderson-Kittow, I Tuffrey-Wijne
BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care 13 (Hospice UK National Conference), A85-A86, 2023
”Hvordan har du sovet i nat, Per?”: En samtaleanalytisk undersøgelse af navne i hjemmeplejesamtaler
A Bruun
Journal of Language Works-Sprogvidenskabeligt Studentertidsskrift 2 (2), 46-65, 2017
Initiating prognostic talk during hospice multidisciplinary team meetings: a conversation analytic study
A Bruun, N White, L Oostendorp, P Stone, S Bloch
Journal of Palliative Care, 2025
Prognostication As an Interactionally Delicate Matter: A Conversation Analytic Study of Hospice Multidisciplinary Team Meetings
A Bruun, N White, L Oostendorp, P Stone, S Bloch
Health Communication, 1-9, 2024
The all together group: co‐designing a toolkit of approaches and resources for end‐of‐life care planning with people with intellectual disabilities in social care settings
A Bruun, A Cresswell, D Jeffrey, L Jordan, R Keagan‐Bull, J Giles, ...
Health Expectations 27 (4), e14174, 2024
Systemic medications and dementia risk: an umbrella review
N Mukadam, C Belessiotis, YF Yap, S Talwar, A Bruun, W Li, H Ward, ...
Alzheimer's Association International Conference, 2024
Family carers experiences of compassion for self, other and receiving compassion
N Kupeli, C Cooper, A Bruun, L Dillon, P Reilly, N White, EL Sampson
Alzheimer's Association International Conference, 2024
A systematic review on the impact of financial insecurity on the physical and psychological well-being for people living with terminal illness
R Walker-Pow, A Bruun, N Kupeli, A Bosco, N White
Palliative Medicine, 02692163241257583, 2024
“We MUST Be Involved!” Developing and Testing Inclusive Data Collection Methods for End of Life Care Research with People with Intellectual Disabilities
A Cresswell, L Jordan, R Keagan-Bull, S Gibson, A Bruun, R Anderson, ...
Palliative Medicine 37 (suppl: EAPC Congress 2023), 280, 2023
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Articles 1–20