Katrine Schjoldager
Katrine Schjoldager
Copenhagen Center for Glycomics, University of Copenhagen
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Cited by
Precision mapping of the human O‐GalNAc glycoproteome through SimpleCell technology
C Steentoft, SY Vakhrushev, HJ Joshi, Y Kong, MB Vester‐Christensen, ...
The EMBO journal 32 (10), 1478-1488, 2013
Global view of human protein glycosylation pathways and functions
KT Schjoldager, Y Narimatsu, HJ Joshi, H Clausen
Nature reviews Molecular cell biology 21 (12), 729-749, 2020
Mining the O-glycoproteome using zinc-finger nuclease–glycoengineered SimpleCell lines
C Steentoft, SY Vakhrushev, MB Vester-Christensen, KTBG Schjoldager, ...
Nature methods 8 (11), 977-982, 2011
Immature truncated O-glycophenotype of cancer directly induces oncogenic features
P Radhakrishnan, S Dabelsteen, FB Madsen, C Francavilla, KL Kopp, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111 (39), E4066-E4075, 2014
Site-specific protein O-glycosylation modulates proprotein processing—deciphering specific functions of the large polypeptide GalNAc-transferase gene family
TBGS Katrine, H Clausen
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-General Subjects 1820 (12), 2079-2094, 2012
An atlas of human glycosylation pathways enables display of the human glycome by gene engineered cells
Y Narimatsu, HJ Joshi, R Nason, J Van Coillie, R Karlsson, L Sun, Z Ye, ...
Molecular cell 75 (2), 394-407. e5, 2019
I Bagdonaite, SA Malaker, DA Polasky, NM Riley, K Schjoldager, ...
Nature Reviews Methods Primers 2 (1), 48, 2022
O-glycosylation modulates proprotein convertase activation of angiopoietin-like protein 3: possible role of polypeptide GalNAc-transferase-2 in regulation of concentrations of …
TBGS Katrine, MB Vester-Christensen, EP Bennett, SB Levery, ...
Journal of Biological Chemistry 285 (47), 36293-36303, 2010
Characterizing the O-glycosylation landscape of human plasma, platelets, and endothelial cells
SL King, HJ Joshi, KT Schjoldager, A Halim, TD Madsen, MH Dziegiel, ...
Blood advances 1 (7), 429-442, 2017
Probing isoform-specific functions of polypeptide GalNAc-transferases using zinc finger nuclease glycoengineered SimpleCells
KTBG Schjoldager, SY Vakhrushev, Y Kong, C Steentoft, AS Nudelman, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109 (25), 9893-9898, 2012
A systematic study of modulation of ADAM-mediated ectodomain shedding by site-specific O-glycosylation
CK Goth, A Halim, SA Khetarpal, DJ Rader, H Clausen, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112 (47), 14623-14628, 2015
Loss of function of GALNT2 lowers high-density lipoproteins in humans, nonhuman primates, and rodents
SA Khetarpal, KT Schjoldager, C Christoffersen, A Raghavan, ...
Cell metabolism 24 (2), 234-245, 2016
A systematic study of site-specific GalNAc-type O-glycosylation modulating proprotein convertase processing
KTBG Schjoldager, MB Vester-Christensen, CK Goth, TN Petersen, ...
Journal of Biological Chemistry 286 (46), 40122-40132, 2011
Probing polypeptide GalNAc-transferase isoform substrate specificities by in vitro analysis
Y Kong, HJ Joshi, KTBG Schjoldager, TD Madsen, TA Gerken, ...
Glycobiology 25 (1), 55-65, 2015
Deconstruction of O‐glycosylation—Gal NA c‐T isoforms direct distinct subsets of the O‐glycoproteome
KT Schjoldager, HJ Joshi, Y Kong, CK Goth, SL King, HH Wandall, ...
EMBO reports 16 (12), 1713-1722, 2015
SnapShot: O-glycosylation pathways across kingdoms
HJ Joshi, Y Narimatsu, KT Schjoldager, HLP Tytgat, M Aebi, H Clausen, ...
Cell 172 (3), 632-632. e2, 2018
The GalNAc-type O-glycoproteome of CHO cells characterized by the SimpleCell strategy
Z Yang, A Halim, Y Narimatsu, HJ Joshi, C Steentoft, KTBG Schjoldager, ...
Molecular & Cellular Proteomics 13 (12), 3224-3235, 2014
A validated gRNA library for CRISPR/Cas9 targeting of the human glycosyltransferase genome
Y Narimatsu, HJ Joshi, Z Yang, C Gomes, YH Chen, FC Lorenzetti, ...
Glycobiology 28 (5), 295-305, 2018
Site-specific O-glycosylation of members of the low-density lipoprotein receptor superfamily enhances ligand interactions
S Wang, Y Mao, Y Narimatsu, Z Ye, W Tian, CK Goth, E Lira-Navarrete, ...
Journal of Biological Chemistry 293 (19), 7408-7422, 2018
Lectin Domains of Polypeptide GalNAc Transferases Exhibit Glycopeptide Binding Specificity
JW Pedersen, EP Bennett, TBGS Katrine, M Meldal, AP Holmér, O Blixt, ...
Journal of Biological Chemistry 286 (37), 32684-32696, 2011
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Articles 1–20