Karthik V. Sarma
Karthik V. Sarma
UCSF Health; SimX, Inc.
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Cited by
Federated learning improves site performance in multicenter deep learning without data sharing
KV Sarma, S Harmon, T Sanford, HR Roth, Z Xu, J Tetreault, D Xu, ...
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 28 (6), 1259-1264, 2021
Path R-CNN for prostate cancer diagnosis and gleason grading of histological images
W Li, J Li, KV Sarma, KC Ho, S Shen, BS Knudsen, A Gertych, CW Arnold
IEEE transactions on medical imaging 38 (4), 945-954, 2018
A multi-scale u-net for semantic segmentation of histological images from radical prostatectomies
J Li, KV Sarma, KC Ho, A Gertych, BS Knudsen, CW Arnold
AMIA Annual Symposium Proceedings 2017, 1140, 2018
Augmented and virtual reality simulator for professional and educational training
RJ Ribeira, KV Sarma, ST Stadelman, SK Namperumal, JR Ribeira, ...
US Patent 10,672,288, 2020
An EM-based semi-supervised deep learning approach for semantic segmentation of histopathological images from radical prostatectomies
J Li, W Speier, KC Ho, KV Sarma, A Gertych, BS Knudsen, CW Arnold
Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics 69, 125-133, 2018
A domain-level DNA strand displacement reaction enumerator allowing arbitrary non-pseudoknotted secondary structures
S Badelt, C Grun, KV Sarma, B Wolfe, SW Shin, E Winfree
Journal of the Royal Society Interface 17 (167), 20190866, 2020
Clinical uncertainties, health service challenges, and ethical complexities of HIV “Test-and-Treat”: a systematic review
SP Kulkarni, KR Shah, KV Sarma, AP Mahajan
American journal of public health 103 (6), e14-e23, 2013
Optimizing spatial biopsy sampling for the detection of prostate cancer
AG Raman, KV Sarma, SS Raman, AM Priester, SA Mirak, ...
The Journal of urology 206 (3), 595-603, 2021
Patient portal preferences: perspectives on imaging information
M McNamara, C Arnold, K Sarma, D Aberle, E Garon, AAT Bui
Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology 66 (8 …, 2015
Predicting ischemic stroke tissue fate using a deep convolutional neural network on source magnetic resonance perfusion images
KC Ho, F Scalzo, KV Sarma, W Speier, S El-Saden, C Arnold
Journal of Medical Imaging 6 (2), 026001-026001, 2019
A temporal deep learning approach for MR perfusion parameter estimation in stroke
KC Ho, F Scalzo, KV Sarma, S El-Saden, CW Arnold
2016 23rd International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), 1315-1320, 2016
AMIA Annual Symposium Proceedings
J Li, KV Sarma, KC Ho, A Gertych, BS Knudsen, CW Arnold
Federated learning with research prototypes: application to multi-center MRI-based detection of prostate cancer with diverse histopathology
A Rajagopal, E Redekop, A Kemisetti, R Kulkarni, S Raman, K Sarma, ...
Academic Radiology 30 (4), 644-657, 2023
Imaging–Histologic Discordance at Percutaneous Biopsy of the Lung
AS Oh, CW Arnold, S Vangala, WD Wallace, SJ Genshaft, K Sarma, ...
Academic radiology 22 (4), 481-487, 2015
Harnessing clinical annotations to improve deep learning performance in prostate segmentation
KV Sarma, AG Raman, NJ Dhinagar, AM Priester, S Harmon, T Sanford, ...
Plos one 16 (6), e0253829, 2021
Attention-guided prostate lesion localization and grade group classification with multiple instance learning
E Redekop, KV Sarma, A Kinnaird, A Sisk, SS Raman, LS Marks, ...
International Conference on Medical Imaging with Deep Learning, 975-987, 2022
Estimating the health-related quality of life of twitter users using semantic processing
KV Sarma, BMR Spiegel, MW Reid, S Chen, RM Merchant, E Seltzer, ...
Studies in health technology and informatics 264, 1065, 2019
Semi-automated PIRADS scoring via mpMRI analysis
NJ Dhinagar, W Speier, KV Sarma, A Raman, A Kinnaird, SS Raman, ...
Journal of Medical Imaging 7 (6), 064501-064501, 2020
Data model for personalized patient health guidelines: an exploratory study
M McNamara, K Sarma, DR Aberle, AAT Bui, C Arnold
AMIA Annual Symposium Proceedings 2014, 1835, 2014
Image-based patch selection for deep learning to improve automated Gleason grading in histopathological slides
W Speier, J Li, W Li, K Sarma, C Arnold
bioRxiv, 2020.09. 26.314989, 2020
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Articles 1–20