Elena Valkama
Elena Valkama
Senior Scientist, Natural Resources Institute Finland (LUKE)
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Hypertensive disorders and severe obstetric morbidity in the United States
EV Kuklina, C Ayala, WM Callaghan
Obstetrics & Gynecology 113 (6), 1299-1306, 2009
Meta-analysis of the effects of undersown catch crops on nitrogen leaching loss and grain yields in the Nordic countries
E Valkama, R Lemola, H Känkänen, E Turtola
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 203, 93-101, 2015
Effects of elevated O3, alone and in combination with elevated CO2, on tree leaf chemistry and insect herbivore performance: a meta‐analysis
E Valkama, J Koricheva, E Oksanen
Global Change Biology 13 (1), 184-201, 2007
Comparative analysis of leaf trichome structure and composition of epicuticular flavonoids in Finnish birch species
E Valkama, JP SALMINEN, J Koricheva, K Pihlaja
Annals of Botany 91 (6), 643-655, 2003
Phosphorus fertilization: A meta-analysis of 80 years of research in Finland
E Valkama, R Uusitalo, K Ylivainio, P Virkajärvi, E Turtola
Agriculture, ecosystems & environment 130 (3-4), 75-85, 2009
The combined effects of enhanced UV-B radiation and selenium on growth, chlorophyll fluorescence and ultrastructure in strawberry (Fragaria× ananassa) and barley (Hordeum …
E Valkama, M Kivimäenpää, H Hartikainen, A Wulff
Agricultural and forest meteorology 120 (1-4), 267-278, 2003
Changes in leaf trichomes and epicuticular flavonoids during leaf development in three birch taxa
E Valkama, JP Salminen, J Koricheva, K Pihlaja
Annals of Botany 94 (2), 233-242, 2004
The impact of reed management on wildlife: a meta-analytical review of European studies
E Valkama, S Lyytinen, J Koricheva
Biological conservation 141 (2), 364-374, 2008
Can conservation agriculture increase soil carbon sequestration? A modelling approach
E Valkama, G Kunypiyaeva, R Zhapayev, M Karabayev, E Zhusupbekov, ...
Geoderma 369, 114298, 2020
Cropland soils in China have a large potential for carbon sequestration based on literature survey
F Tao, T Palosuo, E Valkama, R Mäkipää
Soil and Tillage Research 186, 70-78, 2019
Leaf surface traits: overlooked determinants of birch resistance to herbivores and foliar micro-fungi?
E Valkama, J Koricheva, JP Salminen, M Helander, I Saloniemi, ...
Trees 19, 191-197, 2005
Nitrogen balances and yields of spring cereals as affected by nitrogen fertilization in northern conditions: A meta-analysis
E Valkama, T Salo, M Esala, E Turtola
Agriculture, ecosystems & environment 164, 1-13, 2013
A meta‐analysis on nitrogen retention by buffer zones
E Valkama, K Usva, M Saarinen, J Uusi‐Kämppä
Journal of Environmental Quality 48 (2), 270-279, 2019
Yield response models to phosphorus application: a research synthesis of Finnish field trials to optimize fertilizer P use of cereals
E Valkama, R Uusitalo, E Turtola
Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems 91, 1-15, 2011
Defensive Effect of Surface Flavonoid Aglycones of Betula pubescens Leaves Against First Instar Epirrita autumnata Larvae
M Lahtinen, JP Salminen, L Kapari, K Lempa, V Ossipov, J Sinkkonen, ...
Journal of Chemical Ecology 30, 2257-2268, 2004
New pedotransfer approaches to predict soil bulk density using WoSIS soil data and environmental covariates in Mediterranean agro-ecosystems
C Schillaci, A Perego, E Valkama, M Märker, S Saia, F Veronesi, A Lipani, ...
Science of the total environment 780, 146609, 2021
Nitrogen fertilization of grass leys: Yield production and risk of N leaching
E Valkama, K Rankinen, P Virkajärvi, T Salo, P Kapuinen, E Turtola
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 230, 341-352, 2016
Additive and non‐additive effects of birch genotypic diversity on arthropod herbivory in a long‐term field experiment
KE Barton, E Valkama, H Vehviläinen, K Ruohomäki, TM Knight, ...
Oikos 124 (6), 697-706, 2015
Delayed induced responses of birch glandular trichomes and leaf surface lipophilic compounds to mechanical defoliation and simulated winter browsing
E Valkama, J Koricheva, V Ossipov, S Ossipova, E Haukioja, K Pihlaja
Oecologia 146, 385-393, 2005
Meta‐analysis of grass ley response to phosphorus fertilization in F inland
E Valkama, P Virkajärvi, R Uusitalo, K Ylivainio, E Turtola
Grass and Forage Science 71 (1), 36-53, 2016
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Articles 1–20