Aline Melchuna
Aline Melchuna
Research Engineer
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Critical review on wax deposition in single-phase flow
C van der Geest, A Melchuna, L Bizarre, AC Bannwart, VCB Guersoni
Fuel 293, 120358, 2021
Topological modeling of methane hydrate crystallization from low to high water cut emulsion systems
A Melchuna, A Cameirao, JM Herri, P Glenat
Fluid Phase Equilibria 413, 158-169, 2016
Rock-flow cell: an innovative benchtop testing tool for flow assurance studies
JH Sa, A Melchuna, X Zhang, R Morales, A Cameirao, JM Herri, AK Sum
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 58 (19), 8544-8552, 2019
A multiscale approach for gas hydrates considering structure, agglomeration, and transportability under multiphase flow conditions: I. Phenomenological model
CL Bassani, AM Melchuna, A Cameirão, JM Herri, REM Morales, AK Sum
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 58 (31), 14446-14461, 2019
Investigating the effectiveness of anti-agglomerants in gas hydrates and ice formation
JH Sa, A Melchuna, X Zhang, M Rivero, P Glenat, AK Sum
Fuel 255, 115841, 2019
Flow risk index: a new metric for solid precipitation assessment in flow assurance management applied to gas hydrate transportability
A Melchuna, X Zhang, JH Sa, E Abadie, P Glénat, AK Sum
Energy & Fuels 34 (8), 9371-9378, 2020
Recovery of Rhamnolipids Produced by Pseudomonas aeruginosa Using Acidic Precipitation, Extraction, and Adsorption on Activated Carbon
A Carmen dos Santos Mendes de Oliveira, M da Silva Bezerra, ...
Separation Science and Technology 48 (18), 2852-2859, 2013
Evidence that wax deposition is a phase transition rather than a molecular diffusion phenomenon
C van der Geest, L Bizarre, A Melchuna, IF Pinheiro, VCB Guersoni
Fuel 313, 122940, 2022
Experimental study and modeling of methane hydrates cristallization under flow from emulsions with variable fraction of water and anti-agglomerant
AM Melchuna
Université de Lyon, 2016
Gas hydrates porosity and effective volume under multiphase flow conditions
X Zhang, A Melchuna, JH Sa, AK Sum
Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 79, 103340, 2020
Transport of hydrate slurry at high water cut
A Melchuna, A Cameirão, Y Ouabbas, JM Herri, P Glenat
The 8 th International Conference on Gas Hydrates, T5-16, 2014
Monitoring gas hydrate formation and transport in a flow loop with acoustic emission
A Cameirão, E Serris, A Melchuna, JM Herri, P Glenat
Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 55, 331-336, 2018
Bridging the gap between benchtop testing and field conditions in flow assurance studies
AK Sum, A Melchuna, J Sa, X Zhang, R Morales, A Machado, JM Herri, ...
Offshore Technology Conference, D041S052R006, 2018
Relative pressure drop model for hydrate formation and transportability in flowlines in high water cut systems
TK Pham, A Cameirao, A Melchuna, JM Herri, P Glénat
Energies 13 (3), 686, 2020
Rheological study of liquid hydrates slurries in presence of commercial hydrates dispersants (AA-LDHIs)
P Glenat, L Pagezy, R Devoisselle, P Bourg, M Pere, A Melchuna
ICGH: Denver, CO, USA, 2017
Correlation between methods to determine total oil and grease in synthetic oily water using heavy oil: gravimetry vs fluorimetry
CMF da Silva, ED da Silva, A Melchuna, L Arinelli, ES Hori, EF Lucas
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 61 (50), 18243-18249, 2022
Measurements of dispersant additive on hydrate/ice slurry transport
A Melchuna, P Glenat, M Rivero, AK Sum
BHR North American Conference on Multiphase Production Technology, BHR-2018-143, 2018
Understanding esp performance under high viscous applications and emulsion production
L Pastre, J Biazussi, W Monte Verde, J Marins, A Melchuna, M Cowie, ...
Offshore Technology Conference, D031S039R002, 2022
Relative Viscosity Model for Water-In-Oil Emulsion in Electrical Submersible Pumps: Comparing the ESP Head in a Real Scenario
NAV Bulgarelli, LRG da Silva, JL Biazussi, W Monte Verde, A Melchuna, ...
Offshore Technology Conference, D041S051R005, 2023
Formation d’hydrates sans et avec additif antiagglomérant en variant le débit et la fraction d’eau
A Melchuna, AA Cameirao, JM Herri, P Glénat
Journée Scientifique du CODEGEPRA 2015, 2015
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Articles 1–20