Nathan Lillie
Cited by
Cited by
Reconstructing solidarity: Labour unions, precarious work, and the politics of institutional change in Europe
V Doellgast, N Lillie, V Pulignano
Oxford University Press, 2018
The industrial determinants of transnational solidarity: Global interunion politics in three sectors
M Anner, I Greer, M Hauptmeier, N Lillie, N Winchester
European Journal of Industrial Relations 12 (1), 7-27, 2006
Industrial relations, migration, and neoliberal politics: the case of the European construction sector
N Lillie, I Greer
Politics & Society 35 (4), 551-581, 2007
Global collective bargaining on flag of convenience shipping
N Lillie
British journal of industrial relations 42 (1), 47-67, 2004
A global union for global workers: collective bargaining and regulatory politics in maritime shipping
N Lillie
Routledge, 2006
Posted migration and segregation in the European construction sector
E Caro, L Berntsen, N Lillie, I Wagner
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 41 (10), 1600-1620, 2015
The European Migrant Workers Union and the barriers to transnational industrial citizenship
I Greer, Z Ciupijus, N Lillie
European Journal of Industrial Relations 19 (1), 5-20, 2013
Bringing the offshore ashore: transnational production, industrial relations and the reconfiguration of sovereignty
N Lillie
International Studies Quarterly 54 (3), 683-704, 2010
Hyper-mobile migrant workers and Dutch trade union representation strategies at the Eemshaven construction sites
L Berntsen, N Lillie
Economic and Industrial Democracy 37 (1), 171-187, 2016
Neither global nor standard: corporate strategies in the new era of labor standards
S Christopherson, N Lillie
Environment and Planning A 37, 1919-1938, 2005
Subcontracting, Posted Migrants and Labour Market Segmentation in Finland
N Lillie
British Journal of Industrial Relations 50 (1), 148-167, 2012
E uropean Integration and the Disembedding of Labour Market Regulation: Transnational Labour Relations at the E uropean C entral B ank Construction Site
I Wagner, N Lillie
JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies 52 (2), 403-419, 2014
From dualization to solidarity
V Doellgast, N Lillie, V Pulignano
Reconstructing solidarity: Labour unions, precarious work, and the politics …, 2018
National unions and transnational workers: the case of Olkiluoto 3, Finland
N Lillie, M Sippola
Work, employment and society 25 (2), 292-308, 2011
International trade union revitalization: the role of national union approaches
N Lillie, M Martínez Lucio
Varieties of unionism: Strategies for union revitalization in a globalizing …, 2004
Union networks and global unionism in maritime shipping
N Lillie
Relations industrielles 60 (1), 88-111, 2005
Subcontracting, insecurity and posted work: evidence from construction, meat processing and ship building
N Lillie, I Wagner
The outsourcing challenge: Organizing workers across fragmented production …, 2015
Posted work in the European Union: the political economy of free movement
J Arnholtz, N Lillie
Routledge, 2020
Breaking the law?: Varieties of social dumping in a pan-European labour market
L Berntsen, N Lillie
Market expansion and social dumping in Europe, 43-60, 2015
Industrial citizenship, cosmopolitanism and European integration
C Zhang, N Lillie
European Journal of Social Theory 18 (1), 93-111, 2015
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Articles 1–20