Stella Torres Muller
Stella Torres Muller
Pós doutoranda , EESC - Universidade de São Paulo
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Compact frequency standard based on an intracavity sample of cold cesium atoms
ST Müller, DV Magalhães, RF Alves, VS Bagnato
JOSA B 28 (11), 2592-2596, 2011
The Brazilian time and frequency atomic standards program
M Ahmed, DV Magalhães, A Bebeachibuli, ST Müller, RF Alves, ...
Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências 80, 217-252, 2008
Free expanding cloud of cold atoms as an atomic standard: Ramsey fringes contrast
ST Müller, DV Magalhães, A Bebeachibuli, TA Ortega, M Ahmed, ...
JOSA B 25 (6), 909-914, 2008
Characterization of the main frequency shifts for the brazilian 133Cs atomic beam frequency standard
A Bebeachibuli, MS Santos, DV Magalhães, ST Müller, VS Bagnato
Brazilian journal of physics 35, 1010-1015, 2005
Revisiting the capture velocity of a cesium magneto-optical trap: model, simulation and experiment
M Anwar, DV Magalhães, ST Müller, M Faisal, M Nawaz, M Ahmed
Laser Physics 24 (12), 125502, 2014
Comparative short-term stability for a Cs beam and an expanding cold atomic cloud of Cs used as atomic frequency standards
DV Magalhães, ST Müller, A Bebeachibuli, RF Alves, VS Bagnato
Laser physics 16, 1268-1271, 2006
Action of ascorbic acid on clinical course of infection related bronchial asthma and on reactive oxygen metabolites by BAL cells
M Schertling, K Winsel, S Müller, R Henning, W Meiske, J Slapke
Z. Klin. Med 45, 1770-1774, 1990
Padrão de frequência compacto
ST Muller
Universidade de São Paulo, 2010
Demonstration and observation of a frequency standard based on an expanding cold atoms cloud of cesium
ST Muller, DV Magalhaes, A Bebeachibuli, MS Santos, VS Bagnato
Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium and …, 2005
Progress toward Brazilian cesium fountain second generation
C Bueno, AR Salas, ST Müller, VS Bagnato, DV Magalhães
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 975 (1), 012071, 2018
Progress in Brazilian cesium atomic fountain-BrCsF
SA Rodriguez, VS Bagnato, C Bueno, RD Pechoneri, ST Müller, ...
2016 IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium (ifcs), 1-4, 2016
The effect of climatic and meteorologic factors on bronchial hyperreactivity and the course of bronchial asthma diseases and their potential significance in asthma prevention …
J Slapke, B Vucelic, C Schütt, S Müller
Zeitschrift fur Erkrankungen der Atmungsorgane 173 (2), 116-126, 1989
Portable compact cold atoms clock topology
RD Pechoneri, ST Müller, C Bueno, VS Bagnato, DV Magalhães
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 733 (1), 012049, 2016
Historical overview of Ramsey spectroscopy and its relevance on Time and Frequency Metrology
MM Amaral, LVG Tarelho, MA De Souza, AC Baratto, GA Garcia, ...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 733 (1), 012020, 2016
The brazilian atomic fountain primary frequency standard
A Bebeachibuli, RF Alves, ST Muller, VS Bagnato, DV Magalhaes
2006 IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium and Exposition, 291-294, 2006
Development of a Mobile Atomic Frequency Standard based on Cold Atoms
ST Müller, FA Otoboni, J de Martin Júnior, RD Pechoneri, VS Bagnato, ...
Latin America Optics and Photonics Conference, LM2A. 12, 2012
New generation of a mobile primary frequency standard based on cold atoms
ST Müller, J de Martin Júnior, RD Pechoneri, P Santa Catharina, ...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 575 (1), 012030, 2015
Atomic Frequency Standards in Brazil-Research and ongoing applications
DV Magalhães, ST Müller, RD Pechoneri, J de Martin Junior, C Bueno, ...
Annals of XXXIII Encontro de Físicos do Norte e do Nordeste, Natal, Brazil, 2015
Joint effort to commissioning a thermal cesium beam with optical pumping as primary frequency standard to Brazilian NMI
LVG Tarelho, G de Andrade Garcia, AC Baratto, RSL de Souza, ...
29th Conference on Precision Electromagnetic Measurements (CPEM 2014), 598-599, 2014
The Brazilian compact frequency standard with cold atoms: Current status and future perspectives
ST Müller, RD Pechoneri, J de Martin, VS Bagnato, DV Magalhães
29th Conference on Precision Electromagnetic Measurements (CPEM 2014), 66-67, 2014
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Articles 1–20