anNa seravalli
Cited by
Cited by
Prototyping and infrastructuring in design for social innovation
PA Hillgren, A Seravalli, A Emilson
CoDesign 7 (3-4), 169-183, 2011
Making futures: Marginal notes on innovation, design, and democracy
A Emilson, PA Hillgren, A Seravalli, S Marttila, M Hobye, D Cuartielles, ...
MIT Press, 2014
Making Commons: attempts at composing prospects in the opening of production
A Seravalli
Malmö University, 2014
Counter-hegemonic practices; dynamic interplay between agonism, commoning and strategic design
PA Hillgren, A Seravalli, M Agger Eriksen
Strategic Design Research Journal,, 2016
Co-Design in co-production processes: jointly articulating and appropriating infrastructuring and commoning with civil servants
A Seravalli, M Agger Eriksen, PA Hillgren
CoDesign 13 (3), 187-201, 2017
The breakdown of the municipality as caring platform: lessons for co-design and co-learning in the age of platform capitalism
A Light, A Seravalli
CoDesign 15 (3), 192-211, 2019
Designing in the Neighborhood: Beyond (and in the Shadow of) Creative Communities
A Emilson, PA Hillgren, A Seravalli
MIT Press, 2014
Dealing with dilemmas: Participatory approaches in design for social innovation
A Emilson, A Seravalli, PA Hillgren
Swedish Design Research Journal 11 (1), 23-29, 2011
Infrastructuring urban commons over time: learnings from two cases
A Seravalli
Proceedings of the 15th Participatory Design Conference: Full Papers-Volume …, 2018
Infrastructuring for opening production, from participatory design to participatory making?
A Seravalli
Proceedings of the 12th Participatory Design Conference: Exploratory Papers …, 2012
Democratizing production: challenges in co-designing enabling platforms for social innovation
A Seravalli
Tao of Sustainability, an International Conference on Sustainable Design …, 2011
Commoning design and designing commons
A Botero, S Marttila, G Poderi, J Saad-Sulonen, A Seravalli, M Teli, ...
Proceedings of the 16th Participatory Design Conference 2020-Participation …, 2020
Guidelines for urban labs
C Scholl, MA Eriksen, N Baerten, E Clark, T Drage, M Essebo, ...
Performing hackathons as a way of positioning boundary organizations
A Seravalli, L Simeone
Journal of Organizational Change Management 29 (3), 326-343, 2016
Opening production: Design and commons
S Marttila, EM Nilsson, A Seravalli
MIT Press, 2014
Design in the public sector: Nurturing reflexivity and learning
A Seravalli, S Upadhyaya, H Ernits
The Design Journal 25 (2), 225-242, 2022
Prototyping for opening production: From designing for to designing in the making together
A Seravalli
Crafting the Future: 10th European Academy of Design Conference, Gothenburg …, 2013
Building Fabriken Design for Socially Shaped Innovation
A Seravalli
Foregrounding learning in infrastructuring—To change worldviews and practices in the public sector
M Agger Eriksen, PA Hillgren, A Seravalli
Proceedings of the 16th Participatory Design Conference 2020-Participation …, 2020
Collaboratively articulating" urban" participatory design?!
MA Eriksen, A Seravalli, PA Hillgren, A Emilson
Proceedings of the 14th Participatory Design Conference: Short Papers …, 2016
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Articles 1–20