Jeffrey Macher
Jeffrey Macher
Professor of Strategy, Economics and Policy - McDonough School of Business - Georgetown
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Citeret af
Transaction cost economics: An assessment of empirical research in the social sciences
JT Macher, BD Richman
Business and politics 10 (1), 1-63, 2008
Measuring dynamic capabilities: Practices and performance in semiconductor manufacturing
JT Macher, DC Mowery
British Journal of Management 20, S41-S62, 2009
Technological development and the boundaries of the firm: A knowledge-based examination in semiconductor manufacturing
JT Macher
Management Science 52 (6), 826-843, 2006
Firm-and country-level trade-offs and contingencies in the evaluation of foreign investment: The semiconductor industry, 1994–2002
WJ Henisz, JT Macher
Organization Science 15 (5), 537-554, 2004
Transaction cost economics: An assessment of empirical research in the social sciences
CS Boerner, JT Macher
Unpublished manuscript, Georgetown University, 2001
Experience and scale and scope economies: trade‐offs and performance in development
JT Macher, CS Boerner
Strategic Management Journal 27 (9), 845-865, 2006
Organisational responses to discontinuous innovation: a case study approach
JT Macher, BD Richman
International Journal of Innovation Management 8 (01), 87-114, 2004
Vertical specialization and industry structure in high technology industries
JT Macher, DC Mowery
Business strategy over the industry lifecycle, 317-355, 2004
Technological development at the boundaries of the firm: a knowledge‐based examination in drug development
JT Macher, C Boerner
Strategic management journal 33 (9), 1016-1036, 2012
e-Business and disintegration of the semiconductor industry value chain
JT Macher, DC Mowery, TS Simcoe
Industry and Innovation 9 (3), 155-181, 2002
An analysis of extendibility and early termination provisions: The importance of framing duration safeguards
L Weber, KJ Mayer, JT Macher
Academy of Management Journal 54 (1), 182-202, 2011
A review and assessment of organizational learning in economic theories
CS Boerner, JT Macher, DJ Teece
Handbook of organizational learning and knowledge, 89-117, 2001
“Managing” learning by doing: an empirical study in semiconductor manufacturing
JT Macher, DC Mowery
Journal of Product Innovation Management 20 (5), 391-410, 2003
Reversal of fortune? The recovery of the US semiconductor industry
JT Macher, DC Mowery, DA Hodges
California Management Review 41 (1), 107-136, 1998
Influencing public policymaking: Firm‐, industry‐, and country‐level determinants
JT Macher, JW Mayo
Strategic Management Journal 36 (13), 2021-2038, 2015
The “non-globalization” of innovation in the semiconductor industry
JT Macher, DC Mowery, A Di Minin
California Management Review 50 (1), 217-242, 2007
JT Macher, DC Mowery, A Di Minin
Innovation in global industries: US firms competing in a new world, 101-140, 2008
Regulator heterogeneity and endogenous efforts to close the information asymmetry gap
JT Macher, JW Mayo, JA Nickerson
The Journal of Law and Economics 54 (1), 25-54, 2011
Innovation in global industries: US firms competing in a new world: collected studies
JT Macher, DC Mowery
(No Title), 2008
The influence of firms on government
JT Macher, JW Mayo, M Schiffer
The BE Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy 11 (1), 2011
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