Joel Koh En Wei
Joel Koh En Wei
AI Scientist, Cogninet Australia Pty Ltd
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Cited by
Application of entropies for automated diagnosis of epilepsy using EEG signals: A review
UR Acharya, H Fujita, VK Sudarshan, S Bhat, JEW Koh
Knowledge-based systems 88, 85-96, 2015
A novel depression diagnosis index using nonlinear features in EEG signals
UR Acharya, VK Sudarshan, H Adeli, J Santhosh, JEW Koh, ...
European neurology 74 (1-2), 79-83, 2015
Automated detection and localization of myocardial infarction using electrocardiogram: a comparative study of different leads
UR Acharya, H Fujita, VK Sudarshan, SL Oh, M Adam, JEW Koh, JH Tan, ...
Knowledge-Based Systems 99, 146-156, 2016
Automated characterization and classification of coronary artery disease and myocardial infarction by decomposition of ECG signals: A comparative study
UR Acharya, H Fujita, M Adam, OS Lih, VK Sudarshan, TJ Hong, ...
Information Sciences 377, 17-29, 2017
Computer-aided diagnosis of depression using EEG signals
UR Acharya, VK Sudarshan, H Adeli, J Santhosh, JEW Koh, A Adeli
European neurology 73 (5-6), 329-336, 2015
Characterization of focal EEG signals: A review
UR Acharya, Y Hagiwara, SN Deshpande, S Suren, JEW Koh, SL Oh, ...
Future Generation Computer Systems 91, 290-299, 2019
Computer-aided diagnosis of glaucoma using fundus images: A review
Y Hagiwara, JEW Koh, JH Tan, SV Bhandary, A Laude, EJ Ciaccio, ...
Computer methods and programs in biomedicine 165, 1-12, 2018
Application of higher-order spectra for the characterization of coronary artery disease using electrocardiogram signals
UR Acharya, VK Sudarshan, JEW Koh, RJ Martis, JH Tan, SL Oh, ...
Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 31, 31-43, 2017
Sudden cardiac death (SCD) prediction based on nonlinear heart rate variability features and SCD index
H Fujita, UR Acharya, VK Sudarshan, DN Ghista, SV Sree, LWJ Eugene, ...
Applied Soft Computing 43, 510-519, 2016
Nonlinear dynamics measures for automated EEG-based sleep stage detection
UR Acharya, S Bhat, O Faust, H Adeli, ECP Chua, WJE Lim, JEW Koh
European neurology 74 (5-6), 268-287, 2016
A novel algorithm to detect glaucoma risk using texton and local configuration pattern features extracted from fundus images
UR Acharya, S Bhat, JEW Koh, SV Bhandary, H Adeli
Computers in biology and medicine 88, 72-83, 2017
Automated characterization of fatty liver disease and cirrhosis using curvelet transform and entropy features extracted from ultrasound images
UR Acharya, U Raghavendra, H Fujita, Y Hagiwara, JEW Koh, TJ Hong, ...
Computers in biology and medicine 79, 250-258, 2016
Automated detection of premature delivery using empirical mode and wavelet packet decomposition techniques with uterine electromyogram signals
UR Acharya, VK Sudarshan, SQ Rong, Z Tan, CM Lim, JEW Koh, S Nayak, ...
Computers in biology and medicine 85, 33-42, 2017
Entropies for automated detection of coronary artery disease using ECG signals: A review
UR Acharya, Y Hagiwara, JEW Koh, SL Oh, JH Tan, M Adam, R San Tan
Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering 38 (2), 373-384, 2018
Thyroid lesion classification in 242 patient population using Gabor transform features from high resolution ultrasound images
UR Acharya, P Chowriappa, H Fujita, S Bhat, S Dua, JEW Koh, ...
Knowledge-Based Systems 107, 235-245, 2016
Diagnosis of retinal health in digital fundus images using continuous wavelet transform (CWT) and entropies
JEW Koh, UR Acharya, Y Hagiwara, U Raghavendra, JH Tan, SV Sree, ...
Computers in biology and medicine 84, 89-97, 2017
Automated diagnosis of age-related macular degeneration using greyscale features from digital fundus images
MRK Mookiah, UR Acharya, JEW Koh, V Chandran, CK Chua, JH Tan, ...
Computers in biology and medicine 53, 55-64, 2014
Automated diabetic macular edema (DME) grading system using DWT, DCT features and maculopathy index
UR Acharya, MRK Mookiah, JEW Koh, JH Tan, SV Bhandary, AK Rao, ...
Computers in biology and medicine 84, 59-68, 2017
Automated characterization of arrhythmias using nonlinear features from tachycardia ECG beats
UR Acharya, H Fujita, M Adam, OS Lih, TJ Hong, VK Sudarshan, ...
2016 IEEE international conference on systems, man, and cybernetics (SMC …, 2016
Automated screening system for retinal health using bi-dimensional empirical mode decomposition and integrated index
UR Acharya, MRK Mookiah, JEW Koh, JH Tan, SV Bhandary, AK Rao, ...
Computers in biology and medicine 75, 54-62, 2016
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Articles 1–20