Featuresmith: Automatically engineering features for malware detection by mining the security literature Z Zhu, T Dumitraş Proceedings of the 2016 ACM SIGSAC conference on computer and communications …, 2016 | 155 | 2016 |
Chainsmith: Automatically learning the semantics of malicious campaigns by mining threat intelligence reports Z Zhu, T Dumitras 2018 IEEE European symposium on security and privacy (EuroS&P), 458-472, 2018 | 150 | 2018 |
Asking for a friend: Evaluating response biases in security user studies EM Redmiles, Z Zhu, S Kross, D Kuchhal, T Dumitras, ML Mazurek Proceedings of the 2018 acm sigsac conference on computer and communications …, 2018 | 77 | 2018 |
When malware changed its mind: An empirical study of variable program behaviors in the real world E Avllazagaj, Z Zhu, L Bilge, D Balzarotti, T Dumitraș 30th USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security 21), 3487-3504, 2021 | 37 | 2021 |
Patch me if you can: A study on the effects of individual user behavior on the end-host vulnerability state A Sarabi, Z Zhu, C Xiao, M Liu, T Dumitraş Passive and Active Measurement: 18th International Conference, PAM 2017 …, 2017 | 36 | 2017 |
Automated semantic modeling of system events Z Zhu, X Shu, DH Kirat, J Jang, MP Stoecklin US Patent App. 16/711,688, 2021 | 29 | 2021 |
Automatic Feature Engineering for Discovering and Explaining Malicious Behaviors Z Zhu University of Maryland, College Park, 2019 | 1 | 2019 |
Relative interpersonal-influence-aware routing in buffer constrained Delay-Tolerant Networks Z Zhu, S Liu, S Du, X Lin, H Zhu 2013 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), 4446-4451, 2013 | 1 | 2013 |
FeatureSmith Z Zhu, T Dumitraş Proceedings of the 2016 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications …, 2016 | | 2016 |
When Malware Changed Its Mind E Avllazagaj, Z Zhu, L Bilge, D Balzarotti, T Dumitras | | |