Soumalya Sarkar
Soumalya Sarkar
Senior Principal Scientist, Raytheon Technologies Research Center (RTRC)
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Target detection and classification using seismic and PIR sensors
X Jin, S Sarkar, A Ray, S Gupta, T Damarla
IEEE sensors journal 12 (6), 1709-1718, 2011
Anomaly Detection and Fault Disambiguation in Large Flight Data: A Multi-modal Deep Auto-encoder Approach
KK Reddy, S Sarkar, V Venugopalan, M Giering
Annual Conference of the Prognostics and Health Management Management Society, 2016
Performance comparison of feature extraction algorithms for target detection and classification
S Bahrampour, A Ray, S Sarkar, T Damarla, NM Nasrabadi
Pattern Recognition Letters 34 (16), 2126-2134, 2013
Dynamic data-driven prediction of instability in a swirl-stabilized combustor
S Sarkar, SR Chakravarthy, V Ramanan, A Ray
International Journal of Spray and Combustion Dynamics 8 (4), 235-253, 2016
Deep Learning for Structural Health Monitoring: A Damage Characterization Application
S Sarkar, KK Reddy, M Giering, M Gurvich
Annual Conference of the Prognostics and Health Management Management Society, 2016
Early detection of combustion instability from hi-speed flame images via deep learning and symbolic time series analysis
S Sarkar, KG Lore, S Sarkar, V Ramanan, SR Chakravarthy, S Phoha, ...
Annual Conference of the PHM Society 7 (1), 2015
Multifidelity and multiscale Bayesian framework for high-dimensional engineering design and calibration
S Sarkar, S Mondal, M Joly, ME Lynch, SD Bopardikar, R Acharya, ...
Journal of Mechanical Design 141 (12), 121001, 2019
Prognostics of combustion instabilities from hi-speed flame video using a deep convolutional selective autoencoder
A Akintayo, KG Lore, S Sarkar, S Sarkar
International Journal of Prognostics and Health Management 7 (4), 2016
Sensor Fusion for Fault Detection and Classification in Distributed Physical Processes
S Sarkar, S Sarkar, N Virani, A Ray, M Yasar
Frontiers in Robotics and AI 1, 16, 2014
Early Detection of Combustion Instability by Neural-Symbolic Analysis on Hi-Speed Video.
S Sarkar, KG Lore, S Sarkar
CoCo@ NIPS, 2015
Multi-sensor information fusion for fault detection in aircraft gas turbine engines
S Sarkar, S Sarkar, K Mukherjee, A Ray, A Srivastav
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of …, 2013
Machine learning enabled adaptive optimization of a transonic compressor rotor with precompression
M Joly, S Sarkar, D Mehta
Journal of Turbomachinery 141 (5), 051011, 2019
Symbolic dynamic analysis of transient time series for fault detection in gas turbine engines
S Sarkar, K Mukherjee, S Sarkar, A Ray
Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control 135 (1), 014506, 2013
Dynamic data-driven prediction of lean blowout in a swirl-stabilized combustor
S Sarkar, A Ray, A Mukhopadhyay, S Sen
International Journal of Spray and Combustion Dynamics 7 (3), 209-241, 2015
Anomaly detection in flight recorder data: A dynamic data-driven approach
S Das, S Sarkar, A Ray, A Srivastava, DL Simon
2013 American Control Conference, 2668-2673, 2013
Wearable EEG-based activity recognition in PHM-related service environment via deep learning
S Sarkar, K Reddy, A Dorgan, C Fidopiastis, M Giering
international Journal of Prognostics and Health Management 7 (4), 2016
Machine learning to aid tuning of numerical parameters in topology optimization
ME Lynch, S Sarkar, K Maute
Journal of Mechanical Design 141 (11), 114502, 2019
3D convolutional selective autoencoder for instability detection in combustion systems
T Gangopadhyay, V Ramanan, A Akintayo, PK Boor, S Sarkar, ...
Energy and AI 4, 100067, 2021
Dynamic Data Driven Sensor Array Fusion for Target Detection and Classification
N Virani, S Marcks, S Sarkar, K Mukherjee, A Ray, S Phoha
Procedia Computer Science 18, 2046-2055, 2013
Detection and analysis of combustion instability from hi-speed flame images using dynamic mode decomposition
S Ghosal, V Ramanan, S Sarkar, SR Chakravarthy, S Sarkar
Dynamic Systems and Control Conference 50695, V001T12A005, 2016
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Articles 1–20