Tim Leinmueller
Tim Leinmueller
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Communication patterns in VANETs
E Schoch, F Kargl, M Weber, T Leinmuller
IEEE Communications Magazine 46 (11), 119-125, 2008
Survey on misbehavior detection in cooperative intelligent transportation systems
RW Van Der Heijden, S Dietzel, T Leinmüller, F Kargl
IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials 21 (1), 779-811, 2018
Attacks on inter vehicle communication systems-an analysis
A Aijaz, B Bochow, F Dötzer, A Festag, M Gerlach, R Kroh, T Leinmüller
Proc. WIT 20, 189-194, 2006
Exploration of adaptive beaconing for efficient intervehicle safety communication
RK Schmidt, T Leinmuller, E Schoch, F Kargl, G Schafer
IEEE network 24 (1), 14-19, 2010
Position verification approaches for vehicular ad hoc networks
T Leinmuller, E Schoch, F Kargl
IEEE Wireless Communications 13 (5), 16-21, 2006
Abiding geocast: time--stable geocast for ad hoc networks
C Maihöfer, T Leinmüller, E Schoch
Proceedings of the 2nd ACM international workshop on Vehicular ad hoc …, 2005
Improved security in geographic ad hoc routing through autonomous position verification
T Leinmüller, C Maihöfer, E Schoch, F Kargl
Proceedings of the 3rd international workshop on Vehicular ad hoc networks …, 2006
Vehicle behavior analysis to enhance security in vanets
RK Schmidt, T Leinmüller, E Schoch, A Held, G Schäfer
Proceedings of the 4th IEEE Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communications Workshop …, 2008
Trust issues for vehicular ad hoc networks
P Wex, J Breuer, A Held, T Leinmuller, L Delgrossi
VTC Spring 2008-IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, 2800-2804, 2008
Security architecture for vehicular communication
M Gerlach, A Festag, T Leinmüller, G Goldacker, C Harsch
Workshop on intelligent transportation, 2007
Security requirements and solution concepts in vehicular ad hoc networks
T Leinmuller, E Schoch, C Maihofer
2007 Fourth Annual Conference on Wireless on Demand Network Systems and …, 2007
Impact of pseudonym changes on geographic routing in vanets
E Schoch, F Kargl, T Leinmüller, S Schlott, P Papadimitratos
Security and Privacy in Ad-Hoc and Sensor Networks: Third European Workshop …, 2006
Sevecom-secure vehicle communication
T Leinmüller, L Buttyan, JP Hubaux, F Kargl, R Kroh, P Papadimitratos, ...
IST mobile and wireless communication summit, 2006
Degradation of Transmission Range in VANETS caused by Interference
RK Schmidt, T Köllmer, T Leinmüller, B Böddeker, G Schäfer
Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co. KG 32 (4), 224-234, 2009
Modeling roadside attacker behavior in vanets
T Leinmuller, RK Schmidt, E Schoch, A Held, G Schafer
2008 IEEE Globecom Workshops, 1-10, 2008
Influence of falsified position data on geographic ad-hoc routing
T Leinmüller, E Schoch, F Kargl, C Maihöfer
Security and Privacy in Ad-hoc and Sensor Networks: Second European Workshop …, 2005
Decentralized position verification in geographic ad hoc routing
T Leinmüller, E Schoch, F Kargl, C Maihöfer
Security and communication networks 3 (4), 289-302, 2010
Secure and efficient beaconing for vehicular networks
F Kargl, E Schoch, B Wiedersheim, T Leinmüller
Proceedings of the fifth ACM international workshop on VehiculAr Inter …, 2008
Dynamic scheduling and routing for TSN based in-vehicle networks
AA Syed, S Ayaz, T Leinmüller, M Chandra
2021 IEEE International Conference on Communications Workshops (ICC …, 2021
Greedy routing in highway scenarios: The impact of position faking nodes
T Leinmüller, E Schoch
Proceedings of Workshop On Intelligent Transportation (WIT 2006)(Mar. 2006), 2006
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