Cindy Chu
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Cited by
Potential impacts of climate change on the distributions of several common and rare freshwater fishes in Canada
C Chu, NE Mandrak, CK Minns
Diversity and Distributions 11 (4), 299-310, 2005
Climate change effects on North American inland fish populations and assemblages
AJ Lynch, BJE Myers, C Chu, LA Eby, JA Falke, RP Kovach, ...
Fisheries 41 (7), 346-361, 2016
Thirty years later: the global growth of ITQs and their influence on stock status in marine fisheries
C Chu
Fish and Fisheries 10 (2), 217-230, 2009
Climate change impacts on freshwater fishes: a Canadian perspective
MS Poesch, L Chavarie, C Chu, SN Pandit, W Tonn
Fisheries 41 (7), 385-391, 2016
Global synthesis of the documented and projected effects of climate change on inland fishes
BJE Myers, AJ Lynch, DB Bunnell, C Chu, JA Falke, RP Kovach, ...
Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries 27, 339-361, 2017
Comparative regional assessment of factors impacting freshwater fish biodiversity in Canada
C Chu, CK Minns, NE Mandrak
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 60 (5), 624-634, 2003
The influence of air temperature, groundwater discharge, and climate change on the thermal diversity of stream fishes in southern Ontario watersheds
C Chu, NE Jones, NE Mandrak, AR Piggott, CK Minns
canadian Journal of Fisheries and aquatic sciences 65 (2), 297-308, 2008
Coupled networks of permanent protected areas and dynamic conservation areas for biodiversity conservation under climate change
CC D'Aloia, I Naujokaitis-Lewis, C Blackford, C Chu, JMR Curtis, ...
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 7, 27, 2019
Impact of oligotrophication, temperature, and water levels on walleye habitat in the Bay of Quinte, Lake Ontario
C Chu, CK Minns, JE Moore, ES Millard
Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 133 (4), 868-879, 2004
An updated assessment of human activities, the environment, and freshwater fish biodiversity in Canada
C Chu, CK Minns, NP Lester, NE Mandrak
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 72 (1), 135-148, 2015
Linking fish population dynamics to habitat conditions: insights from the application of a process-oriented approach to several Great Lakes species
D Hayes, M Jones, N Lester, C Chu, S Doka, J Netto, J Stockwell, ...
Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries 19, 295-312, 2009
Linking the thermal regimes of streams in the Great Lakes Basin, Ontario, to landscape and climate variables
C Chu, NE Jones, L Allin
River Research and Applications 26 (3), 221-241, 2010
Quantifying multiple pressure interactions affecting populations of a recreationally and commercially important freshwater fish
LFG Gutowsky, HC Giacomini, DT de Kerckhove, R Mackereth, ...
Global Change Biology 25 (3), 1049-1062, 2019
Catch-per-unit-effort and size spectra of lake fish assemblages reflect underlying patterns in ecological conditions and anthropogenic activities across regional and local scales 1
C Chu, NP Lester, HC Giacomini, BJ Shuter, DA Jackson
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 73 (4), 535-546, 2016
Evaluation of a simple method to classify the thermal characteristics of streams using a nomogram of daily maximum air and water temperatures
C Chu, NE Jones, AR Piggott, JM Buttle
North American Journal of Fisheries Management 29 (6), 1605-1619, 2009
Partitioning fish communities into guilds for ecological analyses: an overview of current approaches and future directions
DM Benoit, DA Jackson, C Chu
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 78 (7), 984-993, 2021
FiCli, the Fish and Climate Change Database, informs climate adaptation and management for freshwater fishes
TJ Krabbenhoft, BJE Myers, JP Wong, C Chu, RW Tingley III, JA Falke, ...
Scientific data 7 (1), 124, 2020
Climate change effects on North American fish and fisheries to inform adaptation strategies
DM Paukert, CP, JD Olden, AJ Lynch, D Brashears, RC Chambers, C Chu, M Daly ...
Fisheries 46, 449-464, 2021
Potential spread of Great Lakes fishes given climate change and proposed dams: an approach using circuit theory to evaluate invasion risk
SJ Melles, C Chu, KM Alofs, DA Jackson
Landscape Ecology, 2015
Standardized Broad‐Scale Management and Monitoring of Inland Lake Recreational Fisheries: An Overview of the Ontario Experience
NP Lester, S Sandstrom, DT de Kerckhove, K Armstrong, H Ball, J Amos, ...
Fisheries 46 (3), 107-118, 2021
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Articles 1–20