Joanne W. Hsu
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Cited by
Changes in US Family Finances from 2013 to 2016: Evidence from the Survey of Consumer Finances
J Bricker, LJ Dettling, A Henriques, JW Hsu, L Jacobs, KB Moore, S Pack, ...
Fed. Res. Bull. 103, 1, 2017
Changes in U.S. Family Finances from 2010 to 2013: Evidence from the Survey of Consumer Finances
J Bricker, LJ Dettling, A Henriques, JW Hsu, KB Moore, J Sabelhaus, ...
Federal Reserve Bulletin 100 (4), 2014
Disparities in Wealth by Race and Ethnicity in the 2019 Survey of Consumer Finances
N Bhutta, AC Chang, LJ Dettling, JW Hsu, J Hewitt
FEDS Notes, 28-2, 2020
Aging and strategic learning: The impact of spousal incentives on financial literacy
JW Hsu
Journal of Human Resources 51 (4), 1036-1067, 2016
Unemployment Insurance as a Housing Market Stabilizer
JW Hsu, DA Matsa, BT Melzer
American Economic Review 108 (1), 49-81, 2018
Recent Trends in Wealth-Holding by Race and Ethnicity: Evidence from the Survey of Consumer Finances
LJ Dettling, JW Hsu, L Jacobs, KB Moore, JP Thompson
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (US), 2017
Changes in US Family Finances from 2016 to 2019: Evidence from the Survey of Consumer Finances
N Bhutta, J Bricker, AC Chang, LJ Dettling, S Goodman, AH Volz, JW Hsu, ...
Federal Reserve Bulletin 106 (5), 1-42, 2020
Returning to the nest: Debt and parental co-residence among young adults
LJ Dettling, JW Hsu
Labour Economics 54, 225-236, 2018
Dementia risk and financial decision making by older households: The impact of information
JW Hsu, R Willis
Journal of human capital 7 (4), 340-377, 2013
Financial presentation of Alzheimer disease and related dementias
LH Nicholas, KM Langa, JPW Bynum, JW Hsu
JAMA Internal Medicine, 2020
Positive externalities of social insurance: Unemployment insurance and consumer credit
JW Hsu, DA Matsa, BT Melzer
National Bureau of Economic Research, 2014
Analysis of Wealth Using Micro- and Macrodata
AM Henriques, JW Hsu
Measuring Economic Sustainability and Progress 72, 245, 2014
Investor confidence and high financial literacy jointly shape investments in risky assets
A Cupák, P Fessler, JW Hsu, PR Paradowski
Economic Modelling 116, 106033, 2022
The state of young adults’ balance sheets: Evidence from the survey of consumer finances
L Dettling, JW Hsu
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Review 96 (4Q), 305-330, 2014
Confidence, financial literacy and investment in risky assets: Evidence from the Survey of Consumer Finances
A Cupák, P Fessler, JW Hsu, PR Paradowski
FEDS Working Paper, 2020
Heaping at Round Numbers on Financial Questions: The Role of Satisficing
M Gideon, B Helppie-McFall, JW Hsu
Survey research methods 11 (2), 189, 2017
Minimum wages and consumer credit: Effects on access and borrowing
LJ Dettling, JW Hsu
The Review of Financial Studies 34 (5), 2549-2579, 2021
The Effect of Large Monetary Incentives on Survey Completion: Evidence from a Randomized Experiment with the Survey of Consumer Finances
JW Hsu, MD Schmeiser, C Haggerty, S Nelson
Public Opinion Quarterly, 2017
Minimum wages and consumer credit: Impacts on access to credit and traditional and high-cost borrowing
LJ Dettling, JW Hsu
FEDS Working Paper, 2017
Financial profiles of workers most vulnerable to coronavirus‐related earnings loss in the spring of 2020
B Helppie‐McFall, JW Hsu
Financial Planning Review 3 (4), e1102, 2020
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Articles 1–20