Arnon Lavie
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Cited by
Structure of human dCK suggests strategies to improve anticancer and antiviral therapy
E Sabini, S Ort, C Monnerjahn, M Konrad, A Lavie
Nature Structural & Molecular Biology 10 (7), 513-519, 2003
The bottleneck in AZT activation
A Lavie, I Schlichting, IR Vetter, M Konrads, J Reinstein, RS Goody
Nature medicine 3 (8), 922-924, 1997
Structure of the conserved cytoplasmic C-terminal domain of occludin: identification of the ZO-1 binding surface
Y Li, AS Fanning, JM Anderson, A Lavie
Journal of molecular biology 352 (1), 151-164, 2005
Therapeutic target metabolism observed using hyperpolarized 15N choline
C Gabellieri, S Reynolds, A Lavie, GS Payne, MO Leach, TR Eykyn
Journal of the American Chemical Society 130 (14), 4598-4599, 2008
X-ray crystallographic structures of D-xylose isomerase-substrate complexes position the substrate and provide evidence for metal movement during catalysis
A Lavie, KN Allen, GA Petsko, D Ringe
Biochemistry 33 (18), 5469-5480, 1994
The TRAPP complex: insights into its architecture and function
M Sacher, YG Kim, A Lavie, BH Oh, N Segev
Traffic 9 (12), 2032-2042, 2008
Structure of thymidylate kinase reveals the cause behind the limiting step in AZT activation.
A Lavie, IR Vetter, M Konrad, RS Goody, J Reinstein, I Schlichting
Nature structural biology 4, 601-604, 1997
Insights into the phosphoryltransfer mechanism of human thymidylate kinase gained from crystal structures of enzyme complexes along the reaction coordinate
N Ostermann, I Schlichting, R Brundiers, M Konrad, J Reinstein, T Veit, ...
Structure 8 (6), 629-642, 2000
Engineered human tmpk/AZT as a novel enzyme/prodrug axis for suicide gene therapy
T Sato, A Neschadim, M Konrad, DH Fowler, A Lavie, JA Medin
Molecular Therapy 15 (5), 962-970, 2007
A Novel l-Asparaginase with low l-Glutaminase Coactivity Is Highly Efficacious against Both T- and B-cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemias In Vivo
HA Nguyen, Y Su, JY Zhang, A Antanasijevic, M Caffrey, AM Schalk, L Liu, ...
Cancer research 78 (6), 1549-1560, 2018
Structural basis for efficient phosphorylation of 3′-azidothymidine monophosphate by Escherichia coli thymidylate kinase
A Lavie, N Ostermann, R Brundiers, RS Goody, J Reinstein, M Konrad, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 95 (24), 14045-14050, 1998
Structural characterization of the closed conformation of mouse guanylate kinase
N Sekulic, L Shuvalova, O Spangenberg, M Konrad, A Lavie
Journal of Biological Chemistry 277 (33), 30236-30243, 2002
Isotopic exchange plus substrate and inhibition kinetics of D-xylose isomerase do not support a proton-transfer mechanism
KN Allen, A Lavie, GK Farber, A Glasfeld, GA Petsko, D Ringe
Biochemistry 33 (6), 1481-1487, 1994
Elucidation of human choline kinase crystal structures in complex with the products ADP or phosphocholine
E Malito, N Sekulic, WCS Too, M Konrad, A Lavie
Journal of molecular biology 364 (2), 136-151, 2006
Modifying human thymidylate kinase to potentiate azidothymidine activation
R Brundiers, A Lavie, T Veit, J Reinstein, I Schlichting, N Ostermann, ...
Journal of Biological Chemistry 274 (50), 35289-35292, 1999
Role of the divalent metal ion in sugar binding, ring opening, and isomerization by D-xylose isomerase: replacement of a catalytic metal by an amino acid
KN Allen, A Lavie, A Glasfeld, TN Tanada, DP Gerrity, SC Carlson, ...
Biochemistry 33 (6), 1488-1494, 1994
[18F] CFA as a clinically translatable probe for PET imaging of deoxycytidine kinase activity
W Kim, TM Le, L Wei, S Poddar, J Bazzy, X Wang, NT Uong, ER Abt, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113 (15), 4027-4032, 2016
Crystal Structure of Yeast Thymidylate Kinase Complexed with the Bisubstrate Inhibitor P1-(5‘-Adenosyl) P5-(5‘-Thymidyl) Pentaphosphate (TP5A) at 2.0 Å Resolution …
A Lavie, M Konrad, R Brundiers, RS Goody, I Schlichting, J Reinstein
Biochemistry 37 (11), 3677-3686, 1998
Novel insights on the use of L-asparaginase as an efficient and safe anti-cancer therapy
M Van Trimpont, E Peeters, Y De Visser, AM Schalk, V Mondelaers, ...
Cancers 14 (4), 902, 2022
The Src homology 3 domain is required for junctional adhesion molecule binding to the third PDZ domain of the scaffolding protein ZO-1
J Nomme, AS Fanning, M Caffrey, MF Lye, JM Anderson, A Lavie
Journal of Biological Chemistry 286 (50), 43352-43360, 2011
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