Bente Jensen
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Citeret af
Treatment of myofascial trigger-points with ultrasound combined with massage and exercise–a randomised controlled trial
AN Gam, S Warming, LH Larsen, B Jensen, O Høydalsmo, I Allon, ...
Pain 77 (1), 73-79, 1998
A Nordic approach to early childhood education (ECE) and socially endangered children
B Jensen
European Early Childhood Education Research Journal 17 (1), 7-21, 2009
Effect of magnetic resonance imaging vs conventional treat-to-target strategies on disease activity remission and radiographic progression in rheumatoid arthritis: the IMAGINE …
S Møller-Bisgaard, K Hørslev-Petersen, B Ejbjerg, ML Hetland, ...
Jama 321 (5), 461-472, 2019
Innovative approaches to continuous professional development (CPD) in early childhood education and care (ECEC) in Europe: Findings from a comparative review
B Jensen, RL Iannone
European Journal of Education 53 (1), 23-33, 2018
Does professional development of preschool teachers improve children's socio-emotional outcomes?
B Jensen, P Jensen, AW Rasmussen
Labour Economics 45, 26-39, 2017
Kompetence og pædagogisk design
B Jensen
Gyldendal, 2002
Kan daginstitutioner gøre en forskel? En undersøgelse af daginstitutioner og social arv.
B Jensen
Socialforskningsinstituttet, 2005
Effectiveness of a Danish early year preschool program: A randomized trial
B Jensen, A Holm, S Bremberg
International Journal of Educational Research 62, 115-128, 2013
Whole-body magnetic resonance imaging in axial spondyloarthritis: reduction of sacroiliac, spinal, and entheseal inflammation in a placebo-controlled trial of adalimumab
S Krabbe, M Østergaard, I Eshed, IJ Sørensen, B Jensen, JM Møller, ...
The journal of rheumatology 45 (5), 621-629, 2018
Kan daginstitutioner gøre en forskel
B Jensen
En undersøgelse af daginstitutioner og social arv, 2005
Social arv, pædagogik og læring: i daginstitutioner
B Jensen
Hans Reitzels Forlag, 2007
How does innovative continuous professional development (CPD) operate in the ECEC sector? Insights from a cross‐analysis of cases in Denmark, Italy and Poland
C Bove, B Jensen, O Wysłowska, RL Iannone, S Mantovani, ...
European Journal of education 53 (1), 34-45, 2018
Adrenal insufficiency in prednisolone-treated patients with polymyalgia rheumatica or giant cell arteritis—prevalence and clinical approach
SW Borresen, TB Thorgrimsen, B Jensen, L Hilsted, EM Bartels, ...
Rheumatology 59 (10), 2764-2773, 2020
Whole-body magnetic resonance imaging inflammation in peripheral joints and entheses in axial spondyloarthritis: distribution and changes during adalimumab treatment
S Krabbe, I Eshed, IJ Sørensen, B Jensen, JM Møller, L Balding, ...
The Journal of Rheumatology 47 (1), 50-58, 2020
Forskningskortlægning og forskervurdering af skandinavisk forskning i året 2006 i institutioner for de 0-6 årige:(førskolen)
J Kampmann, B Jensen, I Johansson, MS Larsen, T Moser, SE Nordenbo, ...
Dansk Clearinghouse for uddannelsesforskning, 2008
Innovative approaches to continuous professional development in early childhood education and care. A European perspective
B Peleman, B Jensen, J Peeters
European Journal of Education 53 (1), 3-8, 2018
Sundhed og sårbarhed:-store børns beretninger om sundhed og hverdagsliv
B Jensen
Hans Reitzels Forlag, 2002
Kompetence-og metodeudvikling i daginstitutioner: om implementering af" ny" viden i praksis: et forskningsprojekt med afsæt i Roskilde-modellen
NR Jensen, B Jensen, TV Andersen
Danmarks Pædagogiske Universitetsforlag, 2005
Tapering of TNF inhibitors in axial spondyloarthritis in routine care—2-year clinical and MRI outcomes and predictors of successful tapering
M Wetterslev, S Georgiadis, IJ Sørensen, SJ Pedersen, SN Christiansen, ...
Rheumatology 61 (6), 2398-2412, 2022
Novel whole-body magnetic resonance imaging response and remission criteria document diminished inflammation during golimumab treatment in axial spondyloarthritis
S Krabbe, I Eshed, IJ Sørensen, J Møller, B Jensen, OR Madsen, ...
Rheumatology 59 (11), 3358-3368, 2020
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