Edward (Ned) Smith
Edward (Ned) Smith
Associate Professor of Management and Organizations, Northwestern University Kellogg School of
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Status differences in the cognitive activation of social networks
EB Smith, T Menon, L Thompson
Organization Science 23 (1), 67-82, 2012
Identities as lenses: How organizational identity affects audiences' evaluation of organizational performance
EB Smith
Administrative Science Quarterly 56 (1), 61-94, 2011
How does status affect performance? Status as an asset vs. status as a liability in the PGA and NASCAR
MS Bothner, YK Kim, EB Smith
Organization Science 23 (2), 416-433, 2012
Organizing contests for status: The Matthew effect vs. the Mark effect
MS Bothner, JM Podolny, EB Smith
Management Science 57 (3), 439-457, 2011
A Model of Robust Positions in Social Networks
MS Bothner, EB Smith, HC White
American Journal of Sociology 116 (3), 943-92, 2010
Social networks and cognition
EB Smith, RA Brands, ME Brashears, AM Kleinbaum
Annual Review of Sociology 46 (1), 159-174, 2020
When do Matthew effects occur?
MS Bothner, R Haynes, W Lee, EB Smith
Journal of Mathematical Sociology 34 (2), 80-114, 2010
Progress on the ARIADNE axion experiment
C Lohmeyer, J Dargert, M Cunningham, M Harkness, E Levenson-Falk, ...
Microwave Cavities and Detectors for Axion Research: Proceedings of the 2nd …, 2018
The affective antecedents of cognitive social network activation
CT Shea, T Menon, EB Smith, K Emich
Social Networks 43, 91-99, 2015
Simulating macro-level effects from micro-level observations
EB Smith, W Rand
Management Science 64 (11), 5405-5421, 2018
Effects of climate variability and accelerated forest thinning on watershed-scale runoff in southwestern USA ponderosa pine forests
MD Robles, RM Marshall, F O'Donnell, EB Smith, JA Haney, DF Gori
PloS one 9 (10), e111092, 2014
Identities in flux: Cognitive network activation in times of change
T Menon, EB Smith
Social science research 45, 117-130, 2014
Redundant heterogeneity and group performance
EB Smith, Y Hou
Organization Science 26 (1), 37-51, 2015
“We do what we must, and call it by the best names”: Can deliberate names offset the consequences of organizational atypicality?
EB Smith, H Chae
Strategic Management Journal, 2015
The effect of organizational atypicality on reference group selection and performance evaluation
EB Smith, H Chae
Organization Science 28 (6), 1134-1149, 2017
Why do high-status people have larger social networks? Belief in status-quality coupling as a driver of network-broadening behavior and social network size
J Cao, EB Smith
Organization Science 32 (1), 111-132, 2021
Better in the shadows? Public attention, media coverage, and market reactions to female CEO announcements
EB Smith, J Chown, K Gaughan
Sociological Science 8, 119-149, 2021
Effects of attractiveness and nature of request on helping behavior
R Juhnke, B Barmann, K Vickery, M Cunningham, J Hohl, E Smith, ...
The Journal of social psychology 127 (4), 317-322, 1987
Personal networks: Classic readings and new directions in egocentric analysis
ML Small, BL Perry, B Pescosolido, EB Smith
Cambridge University Press, 2021
The crowd classification problem: Social dynamics of binary-choice accuracy
JA Becker, D Guilbeault, EB Smith
Management Science 68 (5), 3949-3965, 2022
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Articles 1–20