Information needs to support environmental impact assessment of the effects of European marine offshore wind farms on birds AD Fox, M Desholm, J Kahlert, TK Christensen, IB Krag Petersen Ibis 148, 129-144, 2006 | 331 | 2006 |
Final results of bird studies at the offshore wind farms at Nysted and Horns Rev, Denmark IK Petersen, TK Christensen, J Kahlert, M Desholm, AD Fox NERI Report 157, 2006 | 158 | 2006 |
Effects of climate change on European ducks: what do we know and what do we need to know? M Guillemain, H Pöysä, AD Fox, C Arzel, L Dessborn, J Ekroos, ... Wildlife Biology 19 (4), 404-419, 2013 | 141 | 2013 |
High exposure rates of anticoagulant rodenticides in predatory bird species in intensively managed landscapes in Denmark TK Christensen, P Lassen, M Elmeros Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 63, 437-444, 2012 | 134 | 2012 |
Concentrations of anticoagulant rodenticides in stoats Mustela erminea and weasels Mustela nivalis from Denmark M Elmeros, TK Christensen, P Lassen Science of the total environment 409 (12), 2373-2378, 2011 | 102 | 2011 |
Large‐scale change in the sex ratio of a declining eider Somateria mollissima population A Lehikoinen, TK Christensen, M Öst, M Kilpi, P Saurola, A Vattulainen Wildlife Biology 14 (3), 288-301, 2008 | 102 | 2008 |
Declines amongst breeding Eider Somateria mollissima numbers in the Baltic/Wadden Sea flyway J Ekroos, AD Fox, TK Christensen, IK Petersen, M Kilpi, JE Jónsson, ... Ornis Fennica 89 (2), 81–90-81–90, 2012 | 91 | 2012 |
Status of the Baltic/Wadden Sea population of the Common Eider Somateria m. mollissima M Desholm, TK Christensen, G Scheiffarth, M Hario, A Andersson, B Ens, ... WILDFOWL-SLIMBRIDGE-, 167-204, 2003 | 82 | 2003 |
PASTEURELLA MULTOCIDA FROM OUTBREAKS OF AVIAN CHOLERA IN WILD AND CAPTIVE BIRDS IN DENMARK K Pedersen, HH Dietz, JC Jørgensen, TK Christensen, T Bregnballe, ... Journal of Wildlife Diseases 39 (4), 808-816, 2003 | 69 | 2003 |
Current and potential threats to Nordic duck populations—a horizon scanning exercise AD Fox, JE Jónsson, T Aarvak, T Bregnballe, TK Christensen, KK Clausen, ... Annales Zoologici Fennici 52 (4), 193-220, 2015 | 59 | 2015 |
Visual and radar observations of birds in relation to collision risk at the Horns Rev offshore TK Christensen, JP Hounisen, IB Clausager, IK Petersen NERI report, 2004 | 59 | 2004 |
A risk assessment of the effects of mercury on Baltic Sea, Greater North Sea and North Atlantic wildlife, fish and bivalves R Dietz, J Fort, C Sonne, C Albert, JO Bustnes, TK Christensen, ... Environment International 146, 106178, 2021 | 58 | 2021 |
Bird numbers and distribution in the Horns Rev offshore wind farm area IK Petersen, I Clausager, TK Christensen NERI report, 2004 | 56* | 2004 |
Seeking explanations for recent changes in abundance of wintering Eurasian Wigeon (Anas penelope) in northwest Europe AD Fox, L Dalby, TK Christensen, S Nagy, TJS Balsby, O Crowe, ... Ornis Fennica 93 (1), 12-25, 2016 | 50 | 2016 |
Impact of hunting along the migration corridor of pink‐footed geese Anser brachyrhynchus – implications for sustainable harvest management KK Clausen, TK Christensen, OM Gundersen, J Madsen Journal of Applied Ecology 54 (5), 1563-1570, 2017 | 47 | 2017 |
Outbreak of Pasteurellosis among wintering and breeding common eiders Somateria mollissima in Denmark TK Christensen, T Bregnballe, TH Andersen, HH Dietz Wildlife Biology 3 (2), 125-128, 1997 | 45 | 1997 |
How many juvenile Teal Anas crecca reach the wintering grounds? Flyway-scale survival rate inferred from wing age-ratios M Guillemain, JM Bertout, TK Christensen, H Pöysa, VM Väänänen, ... Journal of Ornithology 151, 51-60, 2010 | 44 | 2010 |
Effects of cohort and individual variation in duckling body condition on survival and recruitment in the Common Eider Somateria mollissima TK Christensen Journal of Avian Biology, 302-308, 1999 | 43 | 1999 |
Crowded skies: Conflicts between expanding goose populations and aviation safety DR Bradbeer, C Rosenquist, TK Christensen, AD Fox Ambio 46, 290-300, 2017 | 42 | 2017 |
Effects on birds of an offshore wind park at Horns Rev: Environmental impact assessment H Noer, T Kjaer Christensen, I Clausager, I Krag Petersen | 42 | 2000 |