Zhiyun Ren
Zhiyun Ren
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Cited by
Predicting Student Performance Using Personalized Analytics
A Elbadrawy, A Polyzou, Z Ren, M Sweeney, G Karypis, H Rangwala
Computer 49 (4), 61-69, 2016
Predicting Performance on MOOC Assessments using Multi-Regression Models
Z Ren, H Rangwala, A Johri
International Conference on Educational Data Mining, 2016
: Hybrid Associations Models for Sequential Recommendation
B Peng, Z Ren, S Parthasarathy, X Ning
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 34 (10), 4838-4853, 2021
Grade Prediction with Temporal Course-wise Influence
Z Ren, X Ning, H Rangwala
International Conference on Educational Data Mining, 2017
Grade Prediction Based on Cumulative Knowledge and Co-Taken Courses.
Z Ren, X Ning, AS Lan, H Rangwala
International Educational Data Mining Society, 2019
Grade Prediction with Neural Collaborative Filtering
Z Ren, X Ning, A Lan, H Rangwala
The 6th IEEE International Conference on Data Science and Advanced Analytics, 2019
M2: Mixed Models With Preferences, Popularities and Transitions for Next-Basket Recommendation
B Peng, Z Ren, S Parthasarathy, X Ning
IEEE transactions on knowledge and data engineering 35 (4), 4033-4046, 2022
ALE: Additive Latent Effect Models for Grade Prediction
Z Ren, X Ning, H Rangwala
SIAM: SIAM International Conference on Data Mining (SDM18), 2018
Hybrid collaborative filtering methods for recommending search terms to clinicians
Z Ren, B Peng, TK Schleyer, X Ning
Journal of biomedical informatics 113, 103635, 2021
Improving information retrieval from electronic health records using dynamic and multi-collaborative filtering
Z Fan, E Burgun, Z Ren, T Schleyer, X Ning
arXiv preprint arXiv:2008.05399, 2020
Prioritizing Amyloid Imaging Biomarkers in Alzheimer’s Disease via Learning to Rank
B Peng, Z Ren, X Yao, K Liu, AJ Saykin, L Shen, X Ning, ADNI
International Workshop on Multimodal Brain Image Analysis, 139-148, 2019
Academic Performance Prediction with Machine Learning Techniques
Z Ren
George Mason University, 2019
Systems and methods for providing health care search recommendations
X Ning, Z Ren, B Peng, TK Schleyer
US Patent 12,062,436, 2024
Systems and methods for providing health care search recommendations
X Ning, Z Ren, B Peng, TK Schleyer
US Patent App. 18/063,144, 2023
Capturing Student Interaction within Learning Management Systems (LMS) for Identification of At-Risk Students
Z Cai, Z Ren, H Rangwala
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Articles 1–15