Maria João Frade
Maria João Frade
HASLab / INESC TEC and Universidade do Minho
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Type-based termination of recursive definitions
G Barthe, MJ Frade, E Giménez, L Pinto, T Uustalu
Mathematical structures in computer science 14 (1), 97-141, 2004
Rigorous Software Development - An Introduction to Program Verification
JB Almeida, MJ Frade, JS Pinto, SM de Sousa
Springer, 2011
An overview of formal methods tools and techniques
JB Almeida, MJ Frade, JS Pinto, S Melo de Sousa, JB Almeida, MJ Frade, ...
Rigorous Software Development: An Introduction to Program Verification, 15-44, 2011
Verification conditions for source-level imperative programs
MJ Frade, JS Pinto
Computer Science Review 5 (3), 252-277, 2011
Constructor subtyping
G Barthe, MJ Frade
Programming Languages and Systems: 8th European Symposium on Programming …, 1999
Structural proof theory as rewriting
JE Santo, MJ Frade, L Pinto
Term Rewriting and Applications: 17th International Conference, RTA 2006 …, 2006
Type-Based Termination of Recursive Definitions and Constructor Subtyping in Typed Lambda Calculi
MJ Frade
University of Minho, Portugal, 2003
Verification conditions for single-assignment programs
D da Cruz, MJ Frade, JS Pinto
Proceedings of the 27th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, 1264-1270, 2012
Foundational certification of data-flow analyses
MJ Frade, A Saabas, T Uustalu
First Joint IEEE/IFIP Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Software …, 2007
Formalizing single-assignment program verification: An adaptation-complete approach
C Belo Lourenço, MJ Frade, J Sousa Pinto
Programming Languages and Systems: 25th European Symposium on Programming …, 2016
Permutability in proof terms for intuitionistic sequent calculus with cuts
J Espírito Santo, MJ Frade, L Pinto
22nd International Conference on Types for Proofs and Programs (TYPES 2016), 2018
A generalized program verification workflow based on loop elimination and SA form
CB Lourenço, MJ Frade, JS Pinto
2019 IEEE/ACM 7th International Conference on Formal Methods in Software …, 2019
Bidirectional data-flow analyses, type-systematically
MJ Frade, A Saabas, T Uustalu
Proceedings of the 2009 ACM SIGPLAN workshop on Partial evaluation and …, 2009
Variations and interpretations of naturality in call-by-name lambda-calculi with generalized applications
JE Santo, MJ Frade, L Pinto
Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming 131, 100830, 2023
A generalized approach to verification condition generation
CB Lourenço, MJ Frade, S Nakajima, JS Pinto
2018 IEEE 42nd Annual Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC …, 2018
A bounded model checker for SPARK programs
CB Lourenço, MJ Frade, JS Pinto
Automated Technology for Verification and Analysis: 12th International …, 2014
TreeCycle: a Sonar plugin for design quality assessment of Java programs
JM Veiga, MJ Frade
Techn. Report CROSS-10.07-1, 2010
Calculus of Inductive Constructions
MJ Frade
A verified VCGen based on dynamic logic: An exercise in meta-verification with Why3
MJ Frade, JS Pinto
Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming 133, 100871, 2023
A Tutorial on Verification Conditions Using Single-Assignment Form
CB Lourenço, MJ Frade, JS Pinto
unpublished draft available from http://haslab. uminho. pt/jsp), University …, 2015
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Articles 1–20