Amelia-Elena Rotaru
Amelia-Elena Rotaru
Professor of Microbial Physiology & Biochemistry, University of Southern Denmark
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Cited by
A new model for electron flow during anaerobic digestion: direct interspecies electron transfer to Methanosaeta for the reduction of carbon dioxide to methane
AE Rotaru, PM Shrestha, F Liu, M Shrestha, D Shrestha, M Embree, ...
Energy & Environmental Science 7 (1), 408-415, 2014
Promoting direct interspecies electron transfer with activated carbon
F Liu, AE Rotaru, PM Shrestha, K Nevin, D Lovley
Energy & Environmental Science 2012 (5), 8982-8989, 2012
Direct interspecies electron transfer between Geobacter metallireducens and Methanosarcina barkeri
AE Rotaru, PM Shrestha, F Liu, B Markovaite, S Chen, KP Nevin, ...
Applied and Environmental Microbiology 80 (15), 4599-4605, 2014
Geobacter: the microbe electric’s physiology, ecology, and practical applications
DR Lovley, T Ueki, T Zhang, NS Malvankar, PM Shrestha, KA Flanagan, ...
Advances in microbial physiology 59, 1-100, 2011
Promoting interspecies electron transfer with biochar
S Chen, AE Rotaru, PM Shrestha, NS Malvankar, F Liu, W Fan, KP Nevin, ...
Scientific Reports 4, 5019, 2014
Potential for direct interspecies electron transfer in methanogenic wastewater digester aggregates
M Morita, NS Malvankar, AE Franks, ZM Summers, L Giloteaux, AE Rotaru, ...
MBio 2 (4), 10.1128/mbio. 00159-11, 2011
Carbon cloth stimulates direct interspecies electron transfer in syntrophic co-cultures
S Chen, AE Rotaru, F Liu, J Philips, T Woodard, KP Nevin, DR Lovley
Bioresource Technology 173, 83-86, 2014
Magnetite Compensates for the Lack of a Pilin-Associated c-Type Cytochrome in Extracellular Electron Exchange
F Liu, AE Rotaru, PM Shrestha, NS Malvankar, KP Nevin, DR Lovley
Environmental Microbiology 17, 2015
Towards the Integrated Marine Debris Observing System
N Maximenko, P Corradi, KL Law, E Van Sebille, SP Garaba, RS Lampitt, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 6, 447, 2019
Plugging in or Going Wireless: Strategies for Interspecies Electron Transfer
PM Shrestha, AE Rotaru
Frontiers in Microbiology 5, 237, 2014
Transcriptomic and genetic analysis of direct Interspecies electron transfer
PM Shrestha, AE Rotaru, ZM Summers, M Shrestha, F Liu, D Lovley
Applied and environmental microbiology 79 (7), 2397-2404, 2013
Interspecies electron transfer via hydrogen and formate rather than direct electrical connections in co-cultures of Pelobacter carbinolicus and Geobacter sulfurreducens
AE Rotaru, PM Shrestha, F Liu, T Ueki, K Nevin, ZM Summers, D Lovley
Applied and Environmental Microbiology 78 (21), 7645-7651, 2012
Syntrophus conductive pili demonstrate that common hydrogen-donating syntrophs can have a direct electron transfer option
DJF Walker, KP Nevin, DE Holmes, AE Rotaru, JE Ward, TL Woodard, ...
The ISME Journal, 1-10, 2020
Correlation between microbial community and granule conductivity in anaerobic bioreactors for brewery wastewater treatment
PM Shrestha, NS Malvankar, JJ Werner, AE Franks, AE Rotaru, ...
Bioresource Technology 174, 306-310, 2014
Syntrophic growth with direct interspecies electron transfer as the primary mechanism for energy exchange
PM Shrestha, AE Rotaru, M Aklujkar, F Liu, M Shrestha, ZM Summers, ...
Environmental microbiology reports 5 (6), 904-910, 2013
Link between capacity for current production and syntrophic growth in Geobacter species
AE Rotaru, TL Woodard, KP Nevin, DR Lovley
Frontiers in Microbiology 6, 744, 2015
Characterization and modelling of interspecies electron transfer mechanisms and microbial community dynamics of a syntrophic association
H Nagarajan, M Embree, AE Rotaru, PM Shrestha, AM Feist, BØ Palsson, ...
Nature Commmunications 4, 2809, 2013
Formation of palladium (0) nanoparticles at microbial surfaces
M Bunge, LS Søbjerg, AE Rotaru, D Gauthier, AT Lindhardt, G Hause, ...
Biotechnology and bioengineering 107 (2), 206-215, 2010
Extracellular electron uptake in Methanosarcinales is independent of multiheme c-type cytochromes
MO Yee, AE Rotaru
Scientific Reports 10, 372, 2020
Electron and Proton Flux for Carbon Dioxide Reduction in Methanosarcina barkeri During Direct Interspecies Electron Transfer
DE Holmes, AE Rotaru, T Ueki, PM Shrestha, JG Ferry, DR Lovley
Frontiers in Microbiology 9, 3109, 2018
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Articles 1–20