Delay robustness in consensus problems U Münz, A Papachristodoulou, F Allgöwer Automatica 46 (8), 1252-1265, 2010 | 310 | 2010 |
Effects of delay in multi-agent consensus and oscillator synchronization A Papachristodoulou, A Jadbabaie, U Münz IEEE transactions on automatic control 55 (6), 1471-1477, 2010 | 241 | 2010 |
Robust consensus controller design for nonlinear relative degree two multi-agent systems with communication constraints U Münz, A Papachristodoulou, F Allgöwer IEEE Transactions on Automatic control 56 (1), 145-151, 2010 | 132 | 2010 |
Decentralized state feedback control for interconnected systems with application to power systems S Schuler, U Münz, F Allgöwer Journal of Process Control 24 (2), 379-388, 2014 | 91 | 2014 |
Configuration and parameterization of energy control system U Muenz, J Bamberger US Patent App. 16/464,370, 2021 | 83 | 2021 |
Sensor and Actuator Placement for Linear Systems Based on and Optimization U Münz, M Pfister, P Wolfrum IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 59 (11), 2984-2989, 2014 | 76 | 2014 |
Consensus reaching in multi-agent packet-switched networks with non-linear coupling U Muenz, A Papachristodoulou, F Allgoewer International Journal of Control 82 (5), 953-969, 2009 | 66 | 2009 |
Stabilization of linear systems with distributed input delay G Goebel, U Münz, F Allgöwer Proceedings of the 2010 American Control Conference, 5800-5805, 2010 | 57 | 2010 |
Frequency synchronization and phase agreement in Kuramoto oscillator networks with delays GS Schmidt, A Papachristodoulou, U Münz, F Allgöwer Automatica 48 (12), 3008-3017, 2012 | 48 | 2012 |
Generalized Nyquist consensus condition for high-order linear multi-agent systems with communication delays U Münz, A Papachristodoulou, F Allgöwer Proceedings of the 48h IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) held …, 2009 | 42 | 2009 |
Nonlinear multi-agent system consensus with time-varying delays U Münz, A Papachristodoulou, F Allgöwer IFAC Proceedings Volumes 41 (2), 1522-1527, 2008 | 42 | 2008 |
Robust optimal power flow for mixed AC/DC transmission systems with volatile renewables A Mešanović, U Muenz, C Ebenbauer IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 33 (5), 5171-5182, 2018 | 41 | 2018 |
Comparison of H∞, H2, and pole optimization for power system oscillation damping with remote renewable generation A Mešanović, U Münz, C Heyde IFAC-PapersOnLine 49 (27), 103-108, 2016 | 38 | 2016 |
Topology-dependent stability of a network of dynamical systems with communication delays A Schöllig, U Münz, F Allgöwer 2007 European Control Conference (ECC), 1197-1202, 2007 | 31 | 2007 |
Model predictive control of constrained nonlinear time-delay systems RM Esfanjani, M Reble, U Münz, SKY Nikravesh, F Allgöwer Proceedings of the 48h IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) held …, 2009 | 29 | 2009 |
Robust Stabilization and H ∞ Control of Uncertain Distributed Delay Systems U Münz, JM Rieber, F Allgöwer Topics in Time Delay Systems: Analysis, Algorithms and Control, 221-231, 2009 | 28 | 2009 |
Voltage and angle stability reserve of power systems with renewable generation U Münz, M Metzger IFAC Proceedings Volumes 47 (3), 9075-9080, 2014 | 23 | 2014 |
ℒ2-Gain-based controller design for linear systems with distributed input delay G Goebel, U Münz, F Allgöwer IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and Information 28 (2), 225-237, 2011 | 23 | 2011 |
Structured controller parameter tuning for power systems A Mešanović, U Muenz, A Szabo, M Mangold, J Bamberger, M Metzger, ... Control Engineering Practice 101, 104490, 2020 | 22 | 2020 |
Autonomous microgrid restoration using grid-forming inverters and smart circuit breakers A Banerjee, A Pandey, UR Pailla, GS Seo, S Shekhar, H Jain, Y Lin, X Wu, ... 2022 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM), 1-5, 2022 | 21 | 2022 |