Marcus G Heisler
Marcus G Heisler
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Cited by
Patterns of auxin transport and gene expression during primordium development revealed by live imaging of the Arabidopsis inflorescence meristem
MG Heisler, C Ohno, P Das, P Sieber, GV Reddy, JA Long, ...
Current biology 15 (21), 1899-1911, 2005
Accounting for technical noise in single-cell RNA-seq experiments
P Brennecke, S Anders, JK Kim, AA Kołodziejczyk, X Zhang, V Proserpio, ...
Nature methods 10 (11), 1093-1095, 2013
Developmental Patterning by Mechanical Signals in Arabidopsis
O Hamant, MG Heisler, H Jonsson, P Krupinski, M Uyttewaal, P Bokov, ...
science 322 (5908), 1650-1655, 2008
Antagonistic regulation of PIN phosphorylation by PP2A and PINOID directs auxin flux
M Michniewicz, MK Zago, L Abas, D Weijers, A Schweighofer, I Meskiene, ...
Cell 130 (6), 1044-1056, 2007
An auxin-driven polarized transport model for phyllotaxis
H Jönsson, MG Heisler, BE Shapiro, EM Meyerowitz, E Mjolsness
Proceedings of the national academy of sciences 103 (5), 1633-1638, 2006
Alignment between PIN1 polarity and microtubule orientation in the shoot apical meristem reveals a tight coupling between morphogenesis and auxin transport
MG Heisler, O Hamant, P Krupinski, M Uyttewaal, C Ohno, H Jönsson, ...
PLoS biology 8 (10), e1000516, 2010
Pattern formation during de novo assembly of the Arabidopsisshoot meristem
SP Gordon, MG Heisler, GV Reddy, C Ohno, P Das, EM Meyerowitz
Oxford University Press for The Company of Biologists Limited 134 (19), 3539 …, 2007
Real-time lineage analysis reveals oriented cell divisions associated with morphogenesis at the shoot apex of Arabidopsis thaliana
GV Reddy, MG Heisler, DW Ehrhardt, EM Meyerowitz
Oxford University Press for The Company of Biologists Limited 131 (17), 4225 …, 2004
SPATULA, a gene that controls development of carpel margin tissues in Arabidopsis, encodes a bHLH protein
MGB Heisler, A Atkinson, YH Bylstra, R Walsh, DR Smyth
Development 128 (7), 1089-1098, 2001
The Arabidopsis JAGGED gene encodes a zinc finger protein that promotes leaf tissue development
CK Ohno, GV Reddy, MGB Heisler, EM Meyerowitz
Oxford University Press for The Company of Biologists Limited 131 (5), 1111-1122, 2004
Cytokinin signaling as a positional cue for patterning the apical–basal axis of the growing Arabidopsis shoot meristem
VS Chickarmane, SP Gordon, PT Tarr, MG Heisler, EM Meyerowitz
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109 (10), 4002-4007, 2012
Plant stem cell maintenance involves direct transcriptional repression of differentiation program
RK Yadav, M Perales, J Gruel, C Ohno, M Heisler, T Girke, H Jönsson, ...
Molecular systems biology 9 (1), 654, 2013
Modeling the organization of the WUSCHEL expression domain in the shoot apical meristem
H Jönsson, M Heisler, GV Reddy, V Agrawal, V Gor, BE Shapiro, ...
Bioinformatics 21 (Suppl 1), I232-I240, 2005
Auxin acts through MONOPTEROS to regulate plant cell polarity and pattern phyllotaxis
N Bhatia, B Bozorg, A Larsson, C Ohno, H Jönsson, MG Heisler
Current Biology 26 (23), 3202-3208, 2016
Two-Step Regulation of a Meristematic Cell Population Acting in Shoot Branching in Arabidopsis
B Shi, C Zhang, C Tian, J Wang, Q Wang, T Xu, Y Xu, C Ohno, ...
PLoS Genetics 12 (7), e1006168, 2016
Cell type boundaries organize plant development
MP Caggiano, X Yu, N Bhatia, A Larsson, H Ram, CK Ohno, P Sappl, ...
elife 6, e27421, 2017
Regulation of MIR165/166 by class II and class III homeodomain leucine zipper proteins establishes leaf polarity
P Merelo, H Ram, M Pia Caggiano, C Ohno, F Ott, D Straub, M Graeff, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113 (42), 11973-11978, 2016
Integrated genetic and computation methods for in planta cytometry
F Federici, L Dupuy, L Laplaze, M Heisler, J Haseloff
nature methods 9 (5), 483-485, 2012
Modeling auxin transport and plant development
MG Heisler, H Jönsson
Journal of Plant Growth Regulation 25, 302-312, 2006
Genome-wide identification of KANADI1 target genes
P Merelo, Y Xie, L Brand, F Ott, D Weigel, JL Bowman, MG Heisler, ...
PloS one 8 (10), e77341, 2013
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Articles 1–20