Andrew Swales
Cited by
Cited by
The vulnerability of Indo-Pacific mangrove forests to sea-level rise
CE Lovelock, DR Cahoon, DA Friess, GR Guntenspergen, KW Krauss, ...
Nature 526 (7574), 559-563, 2015
The ecology and management of temperate mangroves
DJ Morrisey, A Swales, S Dittmann, MA Morrison, CE Lovelock, CM Beard
Oceanography and marine biology: an annual review 48, 43-160, 2010
Mangrove forest and soil development on a rapidly accreting shore in New Zealand
CE Lovelock, BK Sorrell, N Hancock, Q Hua, A Swales
Ecosystems 13, 437-451, 2010
Mangrove‐forest evolution in a sediment‐rich estuarine system: opportunists or agents of geomorphic change?
A Swales, SJ Bentley Sr, CE Lovelock
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 40 (12), 1672-1687, 2015
Foraminiferal record of human impact on intertidal estuarine environments in New Zealand's largest city
BW Hayward, HR Grenfell, K Nicholson, R Parker, J Wilmhurst, ...
Marine Micropaleontology 53 (1-2), 37-66, 2004
Nature-based engineering: a review on reducing coastal flood risk with mangroves
R Gijsman, EM Horstman, D van der Wal, DA Friess, A Swales, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 8, 702412, 2021
Reconstruction of urban stormwater contamination of an estuary using catchment history and sediment profile dating
A Swales, RB Williamson, LF Van Dam, MJ Stroud, MS McGlone
Estuaries 25, 43-56, 2002
Sediment processes and mangrove-habitat expansion on a rapidly-prograding muddy coast, New Zealand
A Swales, SJ Bentley, C Lovelock, RG Bell
Coastal Sediments' 07, 1441-1454, 2007
Limits to seaward expansion of mangroves: Translating physical disturbance mechanisms into seedling survival gradients
T Balke, A Swales, CE Lovelock, PMJ Herman, TJ Bouma
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 467, 16-25, 2015
Novel application of Compound Specific Stable Isotope (CSSI) techniques to investigate on-site sediment origins across arable fields
L Mabit, M Gibbs, M Mbaye, K Meusburger, A Toloza, C Resch, A Klik, ...
Geoderma 316, 19-26, 2018
Predicted impacts of climate change on New Zealand’s biodiversity.
CJ Lundquist, D Ramsay, R Bell, A Swales, S Kerr
Pacific Conservation Biology 17 (3), 179-191, 2011
Magnitudes, spatial extent, time scales and causes of shoreline change adjacent to an ebb tidal delta, Katikati inlet, New Zealand
DM Hicks, TM Hume, A Swales, MO Green
Journal of Coastal Research, 220-240, 1999
Silt and sand transport in a deep tidal channel of a large estuary (Manukau Harbour, New Zealand)
MO Green, RG Bell, TJ Dolphin, A Swales
Marine Geology 163 (1-4), 217-240, 2000
Light attenuation–a more effective basis for the management of fine suspended sediment than mass concentration?
RJ Davies-Colley, DJ Ballantine, SH Elliott, A Swales, AO Hughes, ...
Water Science and Technology 69 (9), 1867-1874, 2014
Landscape Evolution of a Fluvial Sediment-Rich Avicennia marina Mangrove Forest: Insights from Seasonal and Inter-annual Surface-Elevation Dynamics
A Swales, G Reeve, DR Cahoon, CE Lovelock
Ecosystems 22, 1232-1255, 2019
Evaluating deep subsidence in a rapidly-accreting mangrove forest using GPS monitoring of surface-elevation benchmarks and sedimentary records
A Swales, P Denys, VI Pickett, CE Lovelock
Marine Geology 380, 205-218, 2016
Geostatistical estimation of short-term changes in beach morphology and sand budget
A Swales
Journal of Coastal Research, 338-351, 2002
Managing mangrove habitat expansion in New Zealand
CJ Lundquist, DJ Morrisey, RV Gladstone-Gallagher, A Swales
Mangrove Ecosystems of Asia: status, challenges and management strategies …, 2014
Influence of wave and sediment dynamics on cordgrass (Spartina anglica) growth and sediment accumulation on an exposed intertidal flat
A Swales, IT MacDonald, MO Green
Estuaries 27, 225-243, 2004
Applications and utility of the surface elevation table–marker horizon method for measuring wetland elevation and shallow soil subsidence-expansion: Discussion/reply to: Byrnes …
DR Cahoon, DJ Reed, JW Day, JC Lynch, A Swales, RR Lane
Geo-Marine Letters 40, 809-815, 2020
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Articles 1–20