Kim Jensen
Kim Jensen
Aarhus University, Department of Animal and Veterinary Sciences, Monogastric Nutrition
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Optimal foraging for specific nutrients in predatory beetles
K Jensen, D Mayntz, S Toft, F Clissold, J Hunt, D Raubenheimer, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B: Biological Sciences 279, 2212-2218, 2012
Sex-specific effects of protein and carbohydrate intake on reproduction but not lifespan in Drosophila melanogaster
K Jensen, C McClure, NK Priest, J Hunt
Aging Cell 14, 605-615, 2015
Nutrient regulation in a predator, the wolf spider Pardosa prativaga
K Jensen, D Mayntz, S Toft, D Raubenheimer, SJ Simpson
Animal Behaviour 81, 993-999, 2011
Protein and carbohydrate intake influence sperm number and fertility in male cockroaches, but not sperm viability
H Bunning, J Rapkin, L Belcher, CR Archer, K Jensen, J Hunt
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B: Biological Sciences 282, 20142144, 2015
Breeding and maintaining high-quality insects
K Jensen, TN Kristensen, LHL Heckmann, JG Sørensen
Insects as Food and Feed: from Production to Consumption, pp. 175-198, 2017
Metabolic consequences of feeding and fasting on nutritionally different diets in the wolf spider Pardosa prativaga
K Jensen, D Mayntz, T Wang, SJ Simpson, J Overgaard
Journal of Insect Physiology 56, 1095-1100, 2010
The geometry of nutrient space-based life-history trade-offs: sex-specific effects of macronutrient intake on the trade-off between encapsulation ability and reproductive …
J Rapkin, K Jensen, CR Archer, CM House, SK Sakaluk, E Castillo, J Hunt
American Naturalist 191, 452-474, 2018
Dietary choice for a balanced nutrient intake increases the mean and reduces the variance in the reproductive performance of male and female cockroaches
H Bunning, L Bassett, C Clowser, J Rapkin, K Jensen, CM House, ...
Ecology and Evolution 6, 4711-4730, 2016
Prey nutrient composition has different effects on Pardosa wolf spiders with dissimilar life histories
K Jensen, D Mayntz, S Toft, D Raubenheimer, SJ Simpson
Oecologia 165, 577-583, 2011
Macronutrient balance mediates the growth of sexually selected weapons but not genitalia in male broad-horned beetles
CM House, K Jensen, J Rapkin, S Lane, K Okada, DJ Hosken, J Hunt
Functional Ecology 30, 769-779, 2016
Insecticide resistance and nutrition interactively shape life-history parameters in German cockroaches
K Jensen, AE Ko, C Schal, J Silverman
Scientific Reports 6, 28731, 2016
Mapping sex differences in the effects of protein and carbohydrates on lifespan and reproduction in Drosophila melanogaster: is measuring nutrient intake essential?
MR Carey, CR Archer, J Rapkin, M Castledine, K Jensen, CM House, ...
Biogerontology 23, 129-144, 2022
Macronutrient intake regulates sexual conflict in decorated crickets
J Rapkin, K Jensen, SM Lane, CM House, SK Sakaluk, J Hunt
Journal of Evolutionary Biology 29, 395-406, 2016
Little evidence for intralocus sexual conflict over the optimal intake of nutrients for life span and reproduction in the black field cricket Teleogryllus commodus
J Rapkin, CR Archer, CE Grant, K Jensen, CM House, AJ Wilson, J Hunt
Evolution 71, 2137-2276, 2017
Nutrient-specific compensatory feeding in a mammalian carnivore, the mink, Neovison vison
K Jensen, SJ Simpson, VH Nielsen, J Hunt, D Raubenheimer, D Mayntz
British Journal of Nutrition 112, 1226-1233, 2014
Geometric Stoichiometry: unifying concepts of animal nutrition to understand how protein-rich diets can be "too much of a good thing"
TR Anderson, D Raubenheimer, DO Hessen, K Jensen, WC Gentleman, ...
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 8, 196, 2020
Cold acclimation reduces predation rate and reproduction but increases cold- and starvation tolerance in the predatory mite Gaeolaelaps aculeifer Canestrini
K Jensen, TN Kristensen, J Overgaard, S Toft, JG Sørensen, M Holmstrup
Biological Control 114, 150-157, 2017
Adaptive contraction of diet breadth affects sexual maturation and specific nutrient consumption in an extreme generalist omnivore
K Jensen, C Schal, J Silverman
Journal of Evolutionary Biology 28, 906-916, 2015
The complex interplay between macronutrient intake, cuticular hydrocarbon expression and mating success in male decorated crickets
J Rapkin, K Jensen, CM House, SK Sakaluk, JK Sakaluk, J Hunt
Journal of Evolutionary Biology 30, 711-727, 2017
Are commercial stocks of biological control agents genetically depauperate? – A case study on the pirate bug Orius majusculus Reuter
LB Rasmussen, K Jensen, JG Sørensen, E Sverrisdóttir, KL Nielsen, ...
Biological Control 127, 31-38, 2018
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