Reza Bosagh Zadeh
Reza Bosagh Zadeh
Stanford and Matroid
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Mllib: Machine learning in apache spark
X Meng, J Bradley, B Yavuz, E Sparks, S Venkataraman, D Liu, ...
Journal of Machine Learning Research 17 (34), 1-7, 2016
Matrix Completion and Low-Rank SVD via Fast Alternating Least Squares
T Hastie, R Mazumder, J Lee, R Zadeh
Wtf: The who to follow service at twitter
P Gupta, A Goel, J Lin, A Sharma, D Wang, R Zadeh
Proceedings of the 22nd international conference on World Wide Web, 505-514, 2013
Generalized Low Rank Models
M Udell, R Horn, Corinne, Zadeh, S Boyd
Fusionnet: 3d object classification using multiple data representations
V Hegde, R Zadeh
arXiv preprint arXiv:1607.05695, 2016
TensorFlow for deep learning: from linear regression to reinforcement learning
B Ramsundar, RB Zadeh
" O'Reilly Media, Inc.", 2018
Modeling brand post popularity dynamics in online social networks
AH Zadeh, R Sharda
Decision Support Systems 65, 59-68, 2014
Group heterogeneity increases the risks of large group size: A longitudinal study of productivity in research groups
JN Cummings, S Kiesler, R Bosagh Zadeh, AD Balakrishnan
Psychological science 24 (6), 880-890, 2013
A uniqueness theorem for clustering
RB Zadeh, S Ben-David
Proceedings of the Twenty-Fifth Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial …, 2009
Matrix computations and optimization in apache spark
R Bosagh Zadeh, X Meng, A Ulanov, B Yavuz, L Pu, S Venkataraman, ...
Proceedings of the 22nd ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge …, 2016
Dimension Independent Similarity Computation.
RB Zadeh, A Goel
Journal of Machine Learning Research 14 (6), 2013
Supervised clustering
P Awasthi, RB Zadeh
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 91-99, 2010
Rapid Estimate of Ground Shaking Intensity by Combining Simple Earthquake Characteristics with Tweets
L Burks, M Miller, R Zadeh
National Conference on Earthquake Engineering 2014, 2014
Research team integration: What it is and why it matters
AD Balakrishnan, S Kiesler, JN Cummings, R Zadeh
Proceedings of the ACM 2011 conference on Computer supported cooperative …, 2011
WTF: The who-to-follow system at Twitter
P Gupta, A Goel, J Lin, A Sharma, D Wang, RB Zadeh
Proceedings of the 22nd international conference on World Wide Web, 505-514, 2013
Mllib: Machine learning in apache spark. CoRR abs/1505.06807 (2015)
X Meng, JK Bradley, B Yavuz, ER Sparks, S Venkataraman, D Liu, ...
arXiv preprint arxiv:1505.06807, 2015
On the precision of social and information networks
R Bosagh Zadeh, A Goel, K Munagala, A Sharma
Proceedings of the first ACM conference on Online social networks, 63-74, 2013
A new reversible/quantum ternary comparator
RP Zadeh, M Haghparast
Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences 5 (12), 2348-2355, 2011
Factorbird - a Parameter Server Approach to Distributed Matrix Factorization
S Schelter, V Satuluri, R Zadeh
NIPS 2014 Workshop on Distributed Machine Learning and Matrix Computations, 2014
Dimension independent matrix square using mapreduce
RB Zadeh, G Carlsson
Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS 2013) - Poster, 2013
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Articles 1–20