Timothy Kusky
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Accretionary orogens through Earth history
PA Cawood, A Kröner, WJ Collins, TM Kusky, WD Mooney, BF Windley
Geological Society, London, Special Publications 318 (1), 1-36, 2009
Paleoproterozoic tectonic evolution of the North China Craton
TM Kusky, J Li
Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 22 (4), 383-397, 2003
Late Cryogenian–Ediacaran history of the Arabian–Nubian Shield: a review of depositional, plutonic, structural, and tectonic events in the closing stages of the northern East …
PR Johnson, A Andresen, AS Collins, AR Fowler, H Fritz, W Ghebreab, ...
Journal of African Earth Sciences 61 (3), 167-232, 2011
Orogen styles in the East African Orogen: A review of the Neoproterozoic to Cambrian tectonic evolution
H Fritz, M Abdelsalam, KA Ali, B Bingen, AS Collins, AR Fowler, ...
Journal of African Earth Sciences 86, 65-106, 2013
The Paleoproterozoic North Hebei orogen: North China craton's collisional suture with the Columbia supercontinent
T Kusky, J Li, M Santosh
Gondwana Research 12 (1-2), 4-28, 2007
Tectonic evolution of the North China Block: from orogen to craton to orogen
TM Kusky, BF Windley, MG Zhai
Geological Society, London, Special Publications 280 (1), 1-34, 2007
Detecting areas of high-potential gold mineralization using ASTER data
S Gabr, A Ghulam, T Kusky
Ore Geology Reviews 38 (1-2), 59-69, 2010
Geophysical and geological tests of tectonic models of the North China Craton
TM Kusky
Gondwana Research 20 (1), 26-35, 2011
Insights into the tectonic evolution of the North China Craton through comparative tectonic analysis: A record of outward growth of Precambrian continents
TM Kusky, A Polat, BF Windley, KC Burke, JF Dewey, WSF Kidd, ...
Earth-Science Reviews 162, 387-432, 2016
The Archean Dongwanzi ophiolite complex, North China Craton: 2.505-billion-year-old oceanic crust and mantle
TM Kusky, JH Li, RD Tucker
Science 292 (5519), 1142-1145, 2001
Recognition of ocean plate stratigraphy in accretionary orogens through Earth history: A record of 3.8 billion years of sea floor spreading, subduction, and accretion
TM Kusky, BF Windley, I Safonova, K Wakita, J Wakabayashi, A Polat, ...
Gondwana Research 24 (2), 501-547, 2013
Geochemistry of Neoarchean (ca. 2.55–2.50 Ga) volcanic and ophiolitic rocks in the Wutaishan greenstone belt, central orogenic belt, North China craton: implications for …
A Polat, T Kusky, J Li, B Fryer, R Kerrich, K Patrick
Geological Society of America Bulletin 117 (11-12), 1387-1399, 2005
Lithological mapping in the Central Eastern Desert of Egypt using ASTER data
R Amer, T Kusky, A Ghulam
Journal of African Earth Sciences 56 (2-3), 75-82, 2010
Growth of granite–greenstone terranes at convergent margins, and stabilization of Archean cratons
TM Kusky, A Polat
Tectonophysics 305 (1-3), 43-73, 1999
Collision leading to multiple-stage large-scale extrusion in the Qinling orogen: insights from the Mianlue suture
S Li, TM Kusky, L Wang, G Zhang, S Lai, X Liu, S Dong, G Zhao
Gondwana Research 12 (1-2), 121-143, 2007
ASTER spectral ratioing for lithological mapping in the Arabian–Nubian shield, the Neoproterozoic Wadi Kid area, Sinai, Egypt
S Gad, T Kusky
Gondwana research 11 (3), 326-335, 2007
Evolution of the East African and related orogens, and the assembly of Gondwana
TM Kusky, MGA Salam, RJ Stern, RD Tucker
Precambrian Research 123, 2003
Geologic signature of early Tertiary ridge subduction in Alaska
D Bradley, T Kusky, P Haeussler, R Coldfarb, M Miller, J Dumoulin
Geology of a transpressional orogen developed during ridge-trench …, 2003
Flat slab subduction, trench suction, and craton destruction: Comparison of the North China, Wyoming, and Brazilian cratons
TM Kusky, BF Windley, L Wang, Z Wang, X Li, P Zhu
Tectonophysics 630, 208-221, 2014
Lithological mapping in the Eastern Desert of Egypt, the Barramiya area, using Landsat thematic mapper (TM)
S Gad, T Kusky
Journal of African Earth Sciences 44 (2), 196-202, 2006
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Articles 1–20