paolo franceschi
paolo franceschi
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Model-based reinforcement learning variable impedance control for human-robot collaboration
L Roveda, J Maskani, P Franceschi, A Abdi, F Braghin, L Molinari Tosatti, ...
Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems 100 (2), 417-433, 2020
Human-robot cooperative interaction control for the installation of heavy and bulky components
L Roveda, N Castaman, S Ghidoni, P Franceschi, N Boscolo, E Pagello, ...
2018 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC …, 2018
Adaptive impedance controller for human-robot arbitration based on cooperative differential game theory
P Franceschi, N Pedrocchi, M Beschi
2022 International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 7881-7887, 2022
Precise robotic manipulation of bulky components
P Franceschi, N Castaman, S Ghidoni, N Pedrocchi
IEEE Access 8, 222476-222485, 2020
A control framework definition to overcome position/interaction dynamics uncertainties in force-controlled tasks
L Roveda, N Castaman, P Franceschi, S Ghidoni, N Pedrocchi
2020 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 6819-6825, 2020
Optimal design of robotic work-cell through hierarchical manipulability maximization
P Franceschi, S Mutti, N Pedrocchi
Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing 78, 102401, 2022
A framework for cyber-physical production system management and digital twin feedback monitoring for fast failure recovery
P Franceschi, S Mutti, K Ottogalli, D Rosquete, D Borro, N Pedrocchi
International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing 35 (6), 619-632, 2022
Inverse optimal control for the identification of human objective: a preparatory study for physical human-robot interaction
P Franceschi, N Pedrocchi, M Beschi
2022 IEEE 27th International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory …, 2022
Identification of human control law during physical human–robot interaction
P Franceschi, N Pedrocchi, M Beschi
Mechatronics 92, 102986, 2023
Human Preferences' Optimization in pHRI Collaborative Tasks
P Franceschi, M Maccarini, D Piga, M Beschi, L Roveda
2023 20th international conference on ubiquitous robots (UR), 693-699, 2023
Human–Robot Role Arbitration via Differential Game Theory
P Franceschi, N Pedrocchi, M Beschi
IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 2023
Modeling and analysis of pHRI with Differential Game Theory
P Franceschi, M Beschi, N Pedrocchi, A Valente
2023 21st International Conference on Advanced Robotics (ICAR), 277-284, 2023
Combining visual and force feedback for the precise robotic manipulation of bulky components
P Franceschi, N Castaman
Multimodal Sensing and Artificial Intelligence: Technologies and …, 2021
Learning Human Motion Intention for pHRI Assistive Control
P Franceschi, F Bertini, F Braghin, L Roveda, N Pedrocchi, M Beschi
2023 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2023
Design of an Assistive Controller for Physical Human–Robot Interaction Based on Cooperative Game Theory and Human Intention Estimation
P Franceschi, D Cassinelli, N Pedrocchi, M Beschi, P Rocco
IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 2024
Human modeling, Game Theory, and Role Arbitration for physical Human-Robot Interaction
P Franceschi
Universitą degli studi di Brescia, 2024
Modeling and control of humanoid robot locomotion
Politecnico di Milano, 2015
Human-robot cooperative transport of soft materials: the draping of carbon fibre parts
G Nicola, P Franceschi, E Villagrossi
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Articles 1–18