Poul Thøis Madsen
Poul Thøis Madsen
Associate professor/lektor, Aalborg University
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Citeret af
Smart energy Denmark. A consistent and detailed strategy for a fully decarbonized society
H Lund, JZ Thellufsen, P Sorknæs, BV Mathiesen, M Chang, PT Madsen, ...
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 168, 112777, 2022
The financial crisis and principles of economics textbooks
PT Madsen
The Journal of Economic Education 44 (3), 197-216, 2013
Den forsvundne produktivitet
AN Gjerding, B Johnson, L Kallehauge, BÅ Lundvall, PT Madsen
DJØF-forlaget, København, 1990
Re-opening the Debate on the Lack of Impact of EU-tenders on the Openness of Public Procurement
PT Madsen
Public Procurement Law Review, 265-81, 2002
The Productivity Mystery
AN Gjerding, B Johnson, L Kallehauge, BÅ Lundvall, PT Madsen
Industrial Development in Denmark in the Eighties, Copenhagen: DJØF Publishing, 1992
Abandoning fossil fuel production: What can be learned from the Danish phase-out of oil and gas?
PT Madsen, DS Hansen, K Sperling, C Houeland, KEH Jenkins
Energy Research & Social Science 103, 103211, 2023
Is Culture a Major Barrier to a Single European Market?: The Case of Public Purchasing
PT Madsen
National Cultures and European Integration, 1994
Den forsvundne produktivitet: industriel udvikling i firsernes Danmark
AN Gjerding, BH Johnson, L Kallehauge, BÅ Lundvall, PT Madsen
Djøf Forlag, 1990
Denmark without Oil and Gas Production: Opportunities and Challenges
K Sperling, PT Madsen, L Gorroño-Albizu, BV Mathiesen
Aalborg University, 2021
Den forbudte debat om ØMU'en
PT Madsen, HP Plaschke
Systime Academic, 1998
Cost and system effects of nuclear power in carbon-neutral energy systems
JZ Thellufsen, H Lund, BV Mathiesen, PA Østergaard, P Sorknæs, ...
Applied Energy 371, 123705, 2024
The Productivity Mystery: Industrial Development in Denmark in the Eighties
BÅ Lundvall, BH Johnson, AN Gjerding, PT Madsen, L Kallehauge
Djøf Forlag, 1992
Hvad gør medierne ved krisen?: Om vagt og skødehunde...
PT Madsen
Samfundsøkonomen, 35-39, 2010
Why wait until 2050?: Exploring possible scenarios for phasing out oil and gas production in the Danish North Sea
DS Hansen, PT Madsen, K Sperling, BV Mathiesen
Aalborg University, 2022
Principles of economics textbooks: lessons to be learned in light of the financial crisis
PT Madsen
International Journal of Pluralism and Economics Education 3 (3), 240-251, 2012
The Impact of the Financial Crisis on the Content of Six US Principles of Economics–Real or Apparent Changes?
PT Madsen
I klemme mellem den teoretiske markedsøkonomi og den virkelige blandingsøkonomi:–en økonoms analyse af økonomiforståelsen i fem amerikanske lærebøger i politologi
PT Madsen
Tidsskriftet Politik, 84-94, 2008
Om at undervise i økonomi som et fag til at forstå virkeligheden
PT Madsen
Nationaløkonomisk tidsskrift 2002 (1), 70-74, 2002
Increased flexibility, innovativeness and human resource development as a response to increased competition
B Lundvall, PT Madsen, FS Kristensen, S Elsinore
DRUID–seminar, January, 1997
Produktivitet og international konkurrenceevne
AN Gjerding, BH Johnson, LE Kallehauge, BÅ Lundvall, PT Madsen
Institut for Produktion, Aalborg Universitet, 1988
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