Soumitro Chakrabarty
Soumitro Chakrabarty
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Multi-speaker DOA estimation using deep convolutional networks trained with noise signals
S Chakrabarty, EAP Habets
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing 13 (1), 8-21, 2019
Broadband doa estimation using convolutional neural networks trained with noise signals
S Chakrabarty, E Habets
Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics (WASPAA), 2017 IEEE …, 2017
Time–frequency masking based online multi-channel speech enhancement with convolutional recurrent neural networks
S Chakrabarty, EAP Habets
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing 13 (4), 787-799, 2019
Multi-speaker localization using convolutional neural network trained with noise
S Chakrabarty, EAP Habets
arXiv preprint arXiv:1712.04276, 2017
Countnet: Estimating the number of concurrent speakers using supervised learning
FR Stöter, S Chakrabarty, B Edler, EAP Habets
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing 27 (2), 268-282, 2018
Classification vs. regression in supervised learning for single channel speaker count estimation
FR Stöter, S Chakrabarty, B Edler, EAP Habets
2018 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal …, 2018
Time-frequency masking based online speech enhancement with multi-channel data using convolutional neural networks
S Chakrabarty, DL Wang, EAP Habets
2018 16th International Workshop on Acoustic Signal Enhancement (IWAENC …, 2018
Signal-aware broadband DOA estimation using attention mechanisms
W Mack, U Bharadwaj, S Chakrabarty, EAP Habets
ICASSP 2020-2020 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and …, 2020
Single-Channel Dereverberation Using Direct MMSE Optimization and Bidirectional LSTM Networks.
W Mack, S Chakrabarty, FR Stöter, S Braun, B Edler, EAP Habets
INTERSPEECH, 1314-1318, 2018
A Bayesian Approach to Informed Spatial Filtering With Robustness Against DOA Estimation Errors
S Chakrabarty, EAP Habets
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing (TASLP) 26 (1 …, 2018
New insights on target speaker extraction
M Elminshawi, W Mack, SR Chetupalli, S Chakrabarty, EAP Habets
arXiv preprint arXiv:2202.00733, 2022
On the numerical instability of an LCMV beamformer for a uniform linear array
S Chakrabarty, EAP Habets
IEEE Signal Processing Letters 23 (2), 272-276, 2015
Multi-scale aggregation of phase information for complexity reduction of CNN based DOA estimation
S Chakrabarty, EAP Habets
2019 27th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), 1-5, 2019
Ultra Low Complexity Deep Learning Based Noise Suppression
SS Shetu, S Chakrabarty, O Thiergart, E Mabande
ICASSP 2024-2024 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and …, 2024
Extended Kalman filter with probabilistic data association for multiple non-concurrent speaker localization in reverberant environments
S Chakrabarty, K Kowalczyk, M Taseska, EAP Habets
2014 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal …, 2014
Hardware/software co-design of an automatically generated analog nn
R Müller, M Oppelt, B Kundu, BRA Agashe, T Thönes, E Herzer, ...
International Conference on Embedded Computer Systems, 385-400, 2021
A Bayesian approach to spatial filtering and diffuse power estimation for joint dereverberation and noise reduction
S Chakrabarty, O Thiergart, EAP Habets
2015 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal …, 2015
An empirical study of visual features for DNN based audio-visual speech enhancement in multi-talker environments
SS Shetu, S Chakrabarty, EAP Habets
ICASSP 2021-2021 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and …, 2021
Head-orientation compensation with video-informed single channel speech enhancement
S Chakrabarty, D Pilakeezhu, EAP Habets
2016 IEEE International Workshop on Acoustic Signal Enhancement (IWAENC), 1-5, 2016
Robust Direction-of-Arrival estimation and spatial filtering in noisy and reverberant environments
S Chakrabarty
PQDT-Global, 2019
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Articles 1–20