Christa Thomsen
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Citeret af
Conceptualising employer branding in sustainable organisations
H Kryger Aggerholm, S Esmann Andersen, C Thomsen
Corporate Communications: An International Journal 16 (2), 105-123, 2011
Reporting CSR–what and how to say it?
A Ellerup Nielsen, C Thomsen
Corporate Communications: An International Journal 12 (1), 25-40, 2007
CSR communication: quo vadis?
U Golob, K Podnar, WJ Elving, A Ellerup Nielsen, C Thomsen, F Schultz
Corporate communications: An international journal 18 (2), 176-192, 2013
Investigating CSR communication in SMEs: a case study among Danish middle managers
AE Nielsen, C Thomsen
Business ethics: A European review 18 (1), 83-93, 2009
CSR communication in small and medium‐sized enterprises: A study of the attitudes and beliefs of middle managers
A Ellerup Nielsen, C Thomsen
Corporate Communications: An International Journal 14 (2), 176-189, 2009
Reviewing corporate social responsibility communication: a legitimacy perspective
A Ellerup Nielsen, C Thomsen
Corporate Communications: An International Journal 23 (4), 492-511, 2018
The bad, the ugly and the good: new challenges for CSR communication
WJL Elving, U Golob, K Podnar, A Ellerup-Nielsen, C Thomson
Corporate Communications: An International Journal 20 (2), 118-127, 2015
The integration of CSR into corporate communication in large European companies
I Pollach, TS Johansen, A Ellerup Nielsen, C Thomsen
Journal of Communication Management 16 (2), 204-216, 2012
Sustainability (world commission on environment and development definition)
C Thomsen
Encyclopedia of corporate social responsibility, 2358-2363, 2013
Collective ideals and practices in sustainable development: managing corporate identity
J Lauring, C Thomsen
Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management 16 (1), 38-47, 2009
Sustainable development: the role of network communication
AE Nielsen, C Thomsen
Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management 18 (1), 1-10, 2011
The role of recontextualization in the multivocal, ambiguous process of strategizing
HK Aggerholm, B Asmuß, C Thomsen
Journal of Management Inquiry 21 (4), 413-428, 2012
Corporate social responsibility (CSR) management and marketing communication: Research streams and themes
AE Nielsen, C Thomsen
Hermes 49, 49-65, 2012
Legitimation as a particular mode of strategic communication in the public sector
HK Aggerholm, C Thomsen
International Journal of Strategic Communication 10 (3), 195-206, 2016
The communicative stance of CSR: Reflections on the value of CSR communication
U Golob, N Verk, A Ellerup-Nielsen, C Thomsen, WJL Elving, K Podnar
Corporate Communications: An International Journal 22 (2), 166-177, 2017
Employee engagement in generating ideas on internal social media: A matter of meaningfulness, safety and availability
HE Gode, W Johansen, C Thomsen
Corporate Communications: An International Journal 25 (2), 263-280, 2020
Strategic communication: The role of polyphony in management team meetings
HK Aggerholm, C Thomsen
The Routledge handbook of strategic communication, 172-189, 2014
Précis-writing, revision and editing: Piloting the European Master in Translation
A Schjoldager, KW Rasmussen, C Thomsen
Meta 53 (4), 798-813, 2008
Strategies d'argumentation et de politesse dans les conversations d'affaires: la sequence de requete.(Sciences pour la communication, 60.) Berne/Berlin/Brussels
C Thomsen
Frankfurt-am-Main/New York/Oxford/Vienna: Peter Lang, 2000
Management conversations in Danish companies: Communicating corporate values and strategies
H Kryger Aggerholm, M Agerholm Andersen, B Asmuß, C Thomsen
Corporate Communications: An International Journal 14 (3), 264-279, 2009
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