Signe Sveegaard
Signe Sveegaard
Forsker, PhD, Aarhus Universitet
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Cited by
Investigating the potential use of environmental DNA (eDNA) for genetic monitoring of marine mammals
AD Foote, PF Thomsen, S Sveegaard, M Wahlberg, J Kielgast, LA Kyhn, ...
Public Library of Science 7 (8), e41781, 2012
Ultra-high foraging rates of harbor porpoises make them vulnerable to anthropogenic disturbance
DM Wisniewska, M Johnson, J Teilmann, L Rojano-Donate, J Shearer, ...
Current Biology 26 (11), 1441-1446, 2016
High‐density areas for harbor porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) identified by satellite tracking
S Sveegaard, J Teilmann, J Tougaard, R Dietz, KN Mouritsen, ...
Marine Mammal Science 27 (1), 230-246, 2011
Seasonal habitat‐based density models for a marine top predator, the harbor porpoise, in a dynamic environment
A Gilles, S Viquerat, EA Becker, KA Forney, SCV Geelhoed, J Haelters, ...
Ecosphere 7 (6), e01367, 2016
Effects of noise and by-catch on a Danish harbour porpoise population
J Nabe-Nielsen, RM Sibly, J Tougaard, J Teilmann, S Sveegaard
Ecological Modelling 272, 242-251, 2014
Distribution maps of cetacean and seabird populations in the North‐East Atlantic
JJ Waggitt, PGH Evans, J Andrade, AN Banks, O Boisseau, M Bolton, ...
Journal of Applied Ecology 57 (2), 253-269, 2020
Correlation between the seasonal distribution of harbour porpoises and their prey in the Sound, Baltic Sea
S Sveegaard, H Andreasen, KN Mouritsen, JP Jeppesen, J Teilmann, ...
Marine Biology 159, 1029-1037, 2012
Basin-scale distribution of harbour porpoises in the Baltic Sea provides basis for effective conservation actions
I Carlén, L Thomas, J Carlström, M Amundin, J Teilmann, N Tregenza, ...
Biological Conservation 226, 42-53, 2018
Defining management units for cetaceans by combining genetics, morphology, acoustics and satellite tracking
S Sveegaard, A Galatius, R Dietz, L Kyhn, JC Koblitz, M Amundin, ...
Global Ecology and Conservation 3, 839-850, 2015
Spatial interactions between marine predators and their prey: herring abundance as a driver for the distributions of mackerel and harbour porpoise
S Sveegaard, J Nabe-Nielsen, KJ Stćhr, TF Jensen, KN Mouritsen, ...
Marine Ecology Progress Series 468, 245-253, 2012
Oceanic movements, site fidelity and deep diving in harbour porpoises from Greenland show limited similarities to animals from the North Sea
NH Nielsen, J Teilmann, S Sveegaard, RG Hansen, MHS Sinding, R Dietz, ...
Marine Ecology Progress Series 597, 259-272, 2018
High density areas for harbour porpoises in Danish waters
J Teilmann, S Sveegaard, R Dietz, IK Petersen, P Berggren, G Desportes
National Environmental Research Institute, Aarhus University, 2008
Acoustic surveys confirm the high-density areas of harbour porpoises found by satellite tracking
S Sveegaard, J Teilmann, P Berggren, KN Mouritsen, D Gillespie, ...
ICES Journal of Marine Science 68 (5), 929-936, 2011
A risk assessment of the effects of mercury on Baltic Sea, Greater North Sea and North Atlantic wildlife, fish and bivalves
R Dietz, J Fort, C Sonne, C Albert, JO Bustnes, TK Christensen, ...
Environment International 146, 106178, 2021
Abundance of harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) in the western Baltic, Belt Seas and Kattegat
S Viquerat, H Herr, A Gilles, V Peschko, U Siebert, S Sveegaard, ...
Marine Biology 161, 745-754, 2014
Fine-scale movement responses of free-ranging harbour porpoises to capture, tagging and short-term noise pulses from a single airgun
FM van Beest, J Teilmann, L Hermannsen, A Galatius, L Mikkelsen, ...
Royal Society Open Science 5 (1), 170110, 2018
Estimating the abundance of the critically endangered Baltic Proper harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) population using passive acoustic monitoring
M Amundin, J Carlström, L Thomas, I Carlén, J Koblitz, J Teilmann, ...
Ecology and Evolution 12 (2), e8554, 2022
Spatial and temporal distribution of harbour porpoises in relations to their prey
S Sveegaard
National Environmental Research Institute, Aarhus University, 2011
Environmental drivers of harbour porpoise fine-scale movements
FM van Beest, J Teilmann, R Dietz, A Galatius, L Mikkelsen, D Stalder, ...
Marine biology 165, 1-13, 2018
Identification of high-risk areas for harbour porpoise Phocoena phocoena bycatch using remote electronic monitoring and satellite telemetry data
L Kindt-Larsen, CW Berg, J Tougaard, TK Sřrensen, K Geitner, ...
Marine Ecology Progress Series 555, 261-271, 2016
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Articles 1–20