Jianxin Chen
Jianxin Chen
Quantum Laboratory, DAMO Academy
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Cited by
Classical simulation of quantum supremacy circuits
C Huang, F Zhang, M Newman, J Cai, X Gao, Z Tian, J Wu, H Xu, H Yu, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2005.06787, 2020
Classical simulation of intermediate-size quantum circuits
J Chen, F Zhang, C Huang, M Newman, Y Shi
arXiv preprint arXiv:1805.01450, 2018
Separability-entanglement classifier via machine learning
S Lu, S Huang, K Li, J Li, J Chen, D Lu, Z Ji, Y Shen, D Zhou, B Zeng
Physical Review A 98 (1), 012315, 2018
Fluxonium: an alternative qubit platform for high-fidelity operations
F Bao, H Deng, D Ding, R Gao, X Gao, C Huang, X Jiang, HS Ku, Z Li, ...
Physical review letters 129 (1), 010502, 2022
Superactivation of the asymptotic zero-error classical capacity of a quantum channel
TS Cubitt, J Chen, AW Harrow
IEEE transactions on information theory 57 (12), 8114-8126, 2011
Uniqueness of quantum states compatible with given measurement results
J Chen, H Dawkins, Z Ji, N Johnston, D Kribs, F Shultz, B Zeng
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 88 (1), 012109, 2013
Quantum state tomography via reduced density matrices
T Xin, D Lu, J Klassen, N Yu, Z Ji, J Chen, X Ma, G Long, B Zeng, ...
Physical review letters 118 (2), 020401, 2017
The minimum size of unextendible product bases in the bipartite case (and some multipartite cases)
J Chen, N Johnston
Communications in Mathematical Physics 333, 351-365, 2015
Efficient parallelization of tensor network contraction for simulating quantum computation
C Huang, F Zhang, M Newman, X Ni, D Ding, J Cai, X Gao, T Wang, F Wu, ...
Nature Computational Science 1 (9), 578-587, 2021
The LU-LC conjecture is false
Z Ji, J Chen, Z Wei, M Ying
arXiv preprint arXiv:0709.1266, 2007
Tomography is necessary for universal entanglement detection with single-copy observables
D Lu, T Xin, N Yu, Z Ji, J Chen, G Long, J Baugh, X Peng, B Zeng, ...
Physical review letters 116 (23), 230501, 2016
Symmetric extension of two-qubit states
J Chen, Z Ji, D Kribs, N Lütkenhaus, B Zeng
Physical Review A 90 (3), 032318, 2014
Scalable surface-code decoders with parallelization in time
X Tan, F Zhang, R Chao, Y Shi, J Chen
PRX Quantum 4 (4), 040344, 2023
Pure-state tomography with the expectation value of Pauli operators
X Ma, T Jackson, H Zhou, J Chen, D Lu, MD Mazurek, KAG Fisher, ...
Physical Review A 93 (3), 032140, 2016
A finite presentation of CNOT-dihedral operators
M Amy, J Chen, NJ Ross
arXiv preprint arXiv:1701.00140, 2016
Optimizing T gates in Clifford+T circuit as rotations around Paulis
F Zhang, J Chen
arXiv preprint arXiv:1903.12456, 2019
From ground states to local Hamiltonians
J Chen, Z Ji, B Zeng, DL Zhou
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 86 (2), 022339, 2012
No-go theorem for one-way quantum computing on naturally occurring two-level systems
J Chen, X Chen, R Duan, Z Ji, B Zeng
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 83 (5), 050301, 2011
Comment on some results of Erdahl and the convex structure of reduced density matrices
J Chen, Z Ji, MB Ruskai, B Zeng, DL Zhou
Journal of Mathematical Physics 53 (7), 2012
Quantifying the coherence of pure quantum states
J Chen, S Grogan, N Johnston, CK Li, S Plosker
Physical Review A 94 (4), 042313, 2016
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Articles 1–20