Davoud Moulavi
Cited by
Cited by
Density-based clustering based on hierarchical density estimates
RJGB Campello, D Moulavi, J Sander
Pacific-Asia conference on knowledge discovery and data mining, 160-172, 2013
Hierarchical density estimates for data clustering, visualization, and outlier detection
R Campello, D Moulavi, A Zimek, J Sander
ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data (TKDD) 10 (1), 5, 2015
Density-Based Clustering Validation
D Moulavi, PA Jaskowiak, RJGB Campello, A Zimek, J Sander
Advances in knowledge discovery and data mining
R Campello, D Moulavi, J Sander, J Pei, VS Tseng, L Cao, H Motoda, ...
Berlin, Heidelberg, 160-172, 2013
A framework for semi-supervised and unsupervised optimal extraction of clusters from hierarchies
RJGB Campello, D Moulavi, A Zimek, J Sander
Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery 27, 344-371, 2013
On Strategies for Building Effective Ensembles of Relative Clustering Validity Criteria.
PA Jaskowiak, D Moulavi, AC Furtado, A ZIMEK, J Sander, ...
Knowledge and Information Systems., 2015
Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining ed J. Pei et al
R Campello, D Moulavi, J Sander
Berlin: Springer, 2013
Model Selection for Semi-Supervised Clustering
M Pourrajabi, D Moulavi, RJGB Campello, A Zimek, J Sander, R Goebel
Combining gene expression and interaction network data to improve kidney lesion score prediction
D Moulavi, M Hajiloo, J Sander, PF Halloran, R Greiner
International Journal of Bioinformatics Research and Applications 8 (1-2), 54-66, 2012
A simpler and more accurate AUTO-HDS framework for clustering and visualization of biological data
RJGB Campello, D Moulavi, J Sander
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics 9 (6 …, 2012
Finding, evaluating and exploring clustering alternatives unsupervised and semi-supervised
D Moulavi
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Articles 1–11